Files app config
External config is now done from config.php located inside your storage_path (normally set to "_files"). If the file does not exist, try running the app once in browser, and _files/config/config.php should get created. If you have set a different storage_path than "_files", you will need to look for the file in your custom storage_path.
Below is an example of a config file with all settings //commented out. When the options are commented out, it means they are not set, and will instead inherit app defaults. Remove the forwards slashes // to edit a setting.
<?php // Uncomment the parameters you want to edit. return array ( //'root' => '', //'start_path' => false, //'username' => '', //'password' => '', //'load_images' => true, //'load_files_proxy_php' => false, //'load_images_max_filesize' => 1000000, //'load_svg_max_filesize' => 100000, //'image_resize_enabled' => true, //'image_resize_cache' => true, //'image_resize_dimensions' => 320, //'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => 480, //'image_resize_quality' => 85, //'image_resize_function' => 'imagecopyresampled', //'image_resize_sharpen' => true, //'image_resize_memory_limit' => 128, //'image_resize_max_pixels' => 30000000, //'image_resize_min_ratio' => 1.5, //'image_resize_cache_direct' => false, //'menu_enabled' => true, //'menu_show' => true, //'menu_max_depth' => 5, //'menu_sort' => 'name_asc', //'menu_cache_validate' => true, //'menu_load_all' => false, //'menu_recursive_symlinks' => true, //'layout' => 'rows', //'image_cover' => true, //'sort' => 'name_asc', //'sort_dirs_first' => true, //'cache' => true, //'cache_key' => 0, //'storage_path' => '_files', //'files_exclude' => '', //'dirs_exclude' => '', //'allow_symlinks' => true, //'history' => true, //'breadcrumbs' => true, //'transitions' => true, //'click' => 'popup', //'code_max_load' => 100000, //'code_allow_edit' => false, //'popup_interval' => 5000, //'topbar_sticky' => 'scroll', //'check_updates' => true, //'allow_tasks' => true, //'get_mime_type' => false, //'context_menu' => true, //'prevent_right_click' => false, //'license_key' => '', );
root // default '' (empty = current dir)
Assigns the root path from where Files app will load files and directories. It can be a relative path or an absolute path.
'root' => '' // same dir as files app file 'root' => 'content' // sub-directory 'content' 'root' => '../' // parent directory 'root' => '/var/user/eddie/' // absolute path from server root
start_path // false (root)
Assign the first directory that loads into view, which by default is the same as root dir. It can be a relative path or an absolute path, but the path must be inside the root dir.
'start_path' => '' // start path is same as root 'start_path' => 'galleries/birds' // custom start path
Add username and password to protect your Files app by login.
Add username and password to protect your Files app by login. Password can be encrypted using this tool.
load_images// true
If disabled, images will not be loaded into galleries.
load_files_proxy_php // false
Force images to load via PHP proxy if they can't be accessed by URL (for any reason).
load_images_max_filesize // 1000000 (1MB)
Max image file size to load directly into galleries. If file size exceeds this value, it will be replaced by a file ICON. * Will not affect images that are effectively resized. * The point of this is to prevent massive images from being loaded directly into gallery layouts, causing slow load and sluggish interface.
load_svg_max_filesize // 100000 (100kb)
Max SVG file size to load directly into galleries. If file exceeds this value, it will be replaced by a file ICON. * The point of this is to prevent complex SVG shapes from slow rendering and causing a sluggish interface.
image_resize_enabled // true
Allows resizing of images loaded into galleries.
image_resize_cache // true
Allow caching of resized images to improve loading speeds. Resized images will normally get cached in your storage_path at _files/cache/images/*.
image_resize_dimensions // 320
Default image resize dimensions. A suitable image width for resized images so they look good in all Files gallery layouts.
image_resize_dimensions_retina // 480
Server larger image resize dimensions for high-density screens (retina). This will cause higher quality images for retina screens, but will ultimately cause your image cache to double in size. Set to false if not required.
image_resize_quality // 85
JPG compression level for resized images.
image_resize_function // imagecopyresampled
PHP image resize function. Choose between imagecopyresampled (smoother) and imagecopyresized (faster). Quality difference is minimal, but imagecopyresampled is higher quality, while imagecopyresized is twice as fast. You can use imagecopyresized for example if you want faster resizing when not using cache. See comparison.
image_resize_sharpen // true
Creates sharper (less blurry) preview images.
image_resize_memory_limit // 128
Temporarily increases PHP memory limit (if required) when resizing large images. Default value is set to 128 MB, which allows resizing images up to ~ 6000 px. If your PHP memory_limit is already higher than this value, it will have no effect.
image_resize_max_pixels // 30000000
Sets the maximum allowed dimensions for resizing images. Default value is 30000000 (30 megapixels), which allows resizing images up to approximately 6000 x 5000 px. This option is in place to protect server from attempting to resize image sizes beyond capabilities and/or to prevent slow performance.
image_resize_min_ratio // 1.5
Minimum ratio difference between image resize target dimensions and original image dimensions. If the original image is only X times larger than the resize target, the original image will be used. In most cases, it's pointless to create a resized version if the original image is only slightly larger than resize target.
image_resize_cache_direct // false
Will attempt to load cached resized images directly into the gallery, bypassing the Files PHP app. May cause faster loading and improved browser caching, since image files are loaded directly into browser. However, if this option is enabled and you delete the image cache, you may end up with missing image files because the Files app is not used to detect if the cached request exists or not. If this option is enabled and you DO delete the image cache, you will need to increase the cache_key setting by +1.
menu_enabled // true
Toggle the left folder menu on or off. You can still navigate folders from within the main view area. * If the root dir doesn't contain any folders, the menu will always be disabled.
menu_show // true
Toggle the left folder menu expanded or collapsed by default. This setting will have no effect if there are no folders in the root dir or if menu is disabled. Also, this value is "remembered" by the browser, and will always default to the last state the menu was in for each browser.
menu_max_depth // 5
As a precaution, the left menu depth is limited to 5 subfolder levels. In many cases, it's unproductive to load an infinite amount of subfolders into the menu, as it will be slow and may not display nicely in the menu interface. You can easily increase this value to a higher amount, but please take note, if you are loading a huge root directory, it could be very slow to load the entire tree. For example, if you are loading the entire root of a server, it would be a massive task to load the entire tree. You can still navigate to deeper folder levels directly from the view area.
menu_sort // name_asc
Choose how to sort folder menu items with options name_asc, name_desc, date_asc, and date_desc.
menu_cache_validate // true
When enabled (default), the menu cache will be validated to make sure it matches the actual folder structure. This mechanism is normally necessary, to make sure any changes you make (new folders etc), are validated vs menu cache file. If disabled, the cache is only validated against root and level-1 folders. It may be useful to disable this feature if you have a persistent Files gallery with a heavy folder structure, in which case the menu will load much faster. Keep in mind, if you do disable this function and then make changes in subfolders, you will need to either delete the menu cache or increase the cache_key value.
menu_load_all // false
Will cause the menu to preload all pages, including all file data. This means that once the menu is loaded, you can navigate all folders instantly, without any loading. This feature is useful for persistent galleries or for simple root folder structures.
menu_recursive_symlinks // true
List sub-directories of symlinks in the main menu. May cause harmless menu loops and/or duplicate menu items.
layout // rows
Default gallery layout with options list, blocks, grid, rows, and columns. * This value is "remembered" by the browser, and will always default to the last state selected by the visitor.
image_cover // true
Scales images inside their container for some layouts, to fill the entire grid area. Some cropping will occur. * This value is "remembered" by the browser, and will always default to the last state selected by the visitor.
sort // name_asc
Default sort for files in the main view area, with options name, date, filesize and kind. * This value is "remembered" by the browser, and will always default to the last state selected by the visitor.
sort_dirs_first // true
When enabled, will always list dirs at the top, which is usually most intuitive.
cache // true
When enabled, cache will be created for folders and menu. Cache is created in storage_path, normally _files/cache/folders and _files/cache/menu. Disable this option if you don't want Files app to create any cache files, for example if you are only going to use it once and delete. Keep in mind, Files app will load much faster with cache enabled.
cache_key // 0
Menu cache and folders cache is compared vs a cache_key. If you want to force refresh the cache (for any reason), you can increase the cache_key by +1.
storage_path // _files
The storage_path defines where Files app will create cache folders, config and plugins. In most circumstances, you should always stick to default value "_files". In some cases, you might want to use a different storage_path, if you don't want to write data into current dir, or if you have several Files apps that share the same storage_path (and cache). Storage path can be relative or absolute.
A PHP regex to exclude or include files. Would normally be used to exclude certain file types, or only include some extensions. Applies on the basename of all files. Example:
'files_exclude' => '/\.(pdf|jpe?g)$/i' // exclude all pdf, jpg and jpeg files, case-insensitive.
A PHP regex to exclude directories. Applies on the root relative-path of all directories and files.
'dirs_exclude' => '/\/eleph|\/football(\/|$)/i', // exclude dirs that start with "eleph" and dirs that match /football/ (and everything within).
allow_symlinks // true
Allows Files app to display and follow symlinks in both the list and menu.
history // true
With history enabled, browser will change URL ?path/to/folder as you navigate directories. This also allows you to deep-link directly to files and directories when sharing an URL. If disabled, URL will never change when navigating.
breadcrumbs // true
Enables the "breadcrumbs" interface element in the topbar, allowing user to easily navigate to parent directories. If root does not contain any folders, breadcrumbs will always be disabled.
transitions // true
Enables various transitions in the frontend.
click // popup
Choose what method to trigger [popup, modal, download, window or menu] when clicking an item in the main view area. Default value "popup" will apply for all image-files but will fallback to "modal" for non-image files.
code_max_load // 100000 (100kb)
Maximum file size of code files (PHP, JS, CSS etc) to load and display directly in the Files code editor. The code editor may be sluggish for very large files, and it's not useful to automatically load them into the editor.
code_allow_edit // false
Allow editing of code files directly from the Files app code editor.
popup_interval // 5000 (5s)
Set interval for the popup slideshow.
topbar_sticky // 'scroll'
Choose how the topbar attaches itself to screen with options true, false and 'scroll'.
check_updates // true
Check for Files app updates. Displays a "bell" icon top right if there is an update to the Files app.
allow_tasks // null
* Not yet documented or available for public.
get_mime_type // false
Get file mime type from server (slow) instead of from extension (fast).
context_menu // null
Disable context-menu button and right-click menu.
prevent_right_click // null
Blocks browser right-click menu on sensitive items (images, list items, menu).
license_key // null
Insert license key here to prevent license popup and unlock features.
支持在线播放 视频 音乐 和内置显示某些语言文件代码这些,等等。
<?php // errors ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); // config class config { // DEFAULT CONFIG // Only edit directly if it is a temporary installation. Settings added here will be lost when updating! // Instead, add options from external config file in your storage_path [_files/config/config.php] // READ MORE: https://forum.photo.gallery/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=9964 public static $default = array( // paths 'root' => '', // root path relative to script. 'start_path' => false, // start path relative to script. If empty, root is start path // login 'username' => '', 'password' => '', // Add password directly or use https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/docs/pwd.html to encrypt the password (encrypted password is more secure, as it prevents your password from being exposed directly in a file). // images 'load_images' => true, 'load_files_proxy_php' => false, 'load_images_max_filesize' => 1000000, // maximum file size (bytes) for un-resized images loaded into list 'load_svg_max_filesize' => 100000, // 100k 'image_resize_enabled' => true, 'image_resize_cache' => true, // todo: remove this option and just use 'cache? 'image_resize_dimensions' => 320, 'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => 480, 'image_resize_quality' => 85, 'image_resize_function' => 'imagecopyresampled', // imagecopyresampled / imagecopyresized 'image_resize_sharpen' => true, 'image_resize_memory_limit' => 128, // 128 MB is suffient to resize images around 6000 px / 0 = ignore memory 'image_resize_max_pixels' => 30000000, // 30 MP equivalent to an image 6000 x 5000 / 0 = no limit 'image_resize_min_ratio' => 1.5, // min size diff original vs resize. Only resizes if ratio > min ratio 'image_resize_cache_direct' => false, // if enabled and delete cache, must increase cache_key // menu 'menu_enabled' => true, 'menu_show' => true, 'menu_max_depth' => 5, 'menu_sort' => 'name_asc', // name_asc, name_desc, date_asc, date_desc 'menu_cache_validate' => true, 'menu_load_all' => false, 'menu_recursive_symlinks' => true, // List sub-directories of symlinks in the main menu. May cause menu loops and/or duplicate menu items // files layout 'layout' => 'rows', // list, blocks, grid, rows, columns 'image_cover' => true, // scales image inside container for list, block, grid and rows layouts. 'sort' => 'name_asc', // name, date, filesize, kind 'sort_dirs_first' => true, // cache 'cache' => true, 'cache_key' => 0, 'storage_path' => '_files', // exclude files directories regex 'files_exclude' => '', // '/\.(pdf|jpe?g)$/i' 'dirs_exclude' => '', //'/\/Convert|\/football|\/node_modules(\/|$)/i', 'allow_symlinks' => true, // allow symlinks // various 'history' => true, 'breadcrumbs' => true, 'transitions' => true, 'click' => 'popup', // popup, modal, download, window, menu 'code_max_load' => 100000, 'code_allow_edit' => false, 'popup_interval' => 5000, 'topbar_sticky' => 'scroll', // true, false, 'scroll' 'check_updates' => true, 'allow_tasks' => true, 'get_mime_type' => false, // get file mime type from server (slow) instead of from extension (fast) 'context_menu' => true, // disable context-menu button and right-click menu 'prevent_right_click' => false, // blocks browser right-click menu on sensitive items (images, list items, menu) 'license_key' => '' ); // config (will popuplate) public static $config = array(); // app vars static $__dir__ = __DIR__; static $__file__ = __FILE__; static $assets; static $prod = true; static $version = '0.2.2'; static $root; static $doc_root; static $has_login = false; static $storage_path; static $storage_is_within_doc_root = false; static $storage_config_realpath; static $storage_config; static $cache_path; static $image_resize_cache_direct; static $image_resize_dimensions_retina = false; static $dirs_hash = false; static $local_config_file = '_filesconfig.php'; // get config private function get_config($path) { if(empty($path) || !file_exists($path)) return array(); $config = include $path; return empty($config) || !is_array($config) ? array() : array_map(function($v){ return is_string($v) ? trim($v) : $v; }, $config); } // dump config private function dump_config($local_config, $storage_path, $storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid){ // invalid and duplicate arrays $user_invalid = array_diff_key($user_config, self::$default); $user_duplicate = array_intersect_assoc($user_valid, self::$default); // items $items = array( ['arr' => $local_config, 'comment' => "// LOCAL CONFIG\n// " . self::$local_config_file], ['arr' => $storage_config, 'comment' => "// STORAGE CONFIG\n// " . rtrim($storage_path ?: '', '\/') . '/config/config.php'], ['arr' => $user_invalid, 'comment' => "// INVALID PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will be ignored as they are not valid:", 'var' => '$invalid', 'hide' => empty($user_invalid)], ['arr' => $user_duplicate, 'comment' => "// DUPLICATE DEFAULT PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will have no effect as they are identical to defaults:", 'var' => '$duplicate', 'hide' => empty($user_duplicate)], ['arr' => $user_valid, 'comment' => "// USER CONFIG\n// User config parameters.", 'var' => '$user', 'hide' => (empty($local_config) || empty($storage_config)) && empty($user_invalid)], ['arr' => self::$config, 'comment' => "// CONFIG\n// User parameters merged with default parameters.", 'var' => '$config'], ['arr' => self::$default, 'comment' => "// DEFAULT CONFIG\n// Default config parameters.", 'var' => '$default'], ['arr' => array_diff_key(get_class_vars('config'), array_flip(['default', 'config'])), 'comment' => "// STATIC VARS\n// Static app vars.", 'var' => '$static'] ); // loop $output = '<?php' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($items as $arr => $props) { $is_empty = empty($props['arr']); if(isset($props['hide']) && $props['hide']) continue; foreach (['username', 'password', 'allow_tasks', '__dir__', '__file__'] as $prop) if(isset($props['arr'][$prop]) && !empty($props['arr'][$prop]) && is_string($props['arr'][$prop])) $props['arr'][$prop] = '***'; $export = $is_empty ? 'array ()' : var_export($props['arr'], true); $comment = preg_replace('/\n/', " [" . count($props['arr']) . "]\n", $props['comment'], 1); $var = isset($props['var']) ? $props['var'] . ' = ' : 'return '; $output .= PHP_EOL . $comment . PHP_EOL . $var . $export . ';' . PHP_EOL; } highlight_string($output . PHP_EOL . ';?>'); exit; } //public static function helloWorld() { public static function save_config($config = array()){ $save_config = array_intersect_key(array_replace(self::$storage_config, $config), self::$default); $export = preg_replace("/ '/", " //'", var_export(array_replace(self::$default, $save_config), true)); foreach ($save_config as $key => $value) if($value !== self::$default[$key]) $export = str_replace("//'" . $key, "'" . $key, $export); return @file_put_contents(config::$storage_config_realpath, '<?php ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// CONFIG / https://forum.photo.gallery/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=9964' . PHP_EOL . '// Uncomment the parameters you want to edit.' . PHP_EOL . 'return ' . $export . ';'); } // construct function __construct($is_doc = false) { // normalize OS paths self::$__dir__ = real_path(__DIR__); self::$__file__ = real_path(__FILE__); // local config $local_config = self::get_config(self::$local_config_file); // storage config $storage_path = isset($local_config['storage_path']) ? $local_config['storage_path'] : self::$default['storage_path']; $storage_realpath = !empty($storage_path) ? real_path($storage_path) : false; if($is_doc && $storage_realpath === self::$__dir__) error('<strong>storage_path must be a unique dir.</strong>'); self::$storage_config_realpath = $storage_realpath ? $storage_realpath . '/config/config.php' : false; self::$storage_config = self::get_config(self::$storage_config_realpath); // config $user_config = array_replace(self::$storage_config, $local_config); $user_valid = array_intersect_key($user_config, self::$default); self::$config = array_replace(self::$default, $user_valid); // dump config and exit; if(isset($_GET['config'])) self::dump_config($local_config, $storage_path, self::$storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid); // CDN assets self::$assets = self::$prod ? 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/files.photo.gallery@' . self::$version . '/' : ''; // root self::$root = real_path(self::$config['root']); if($is_doc && !self::$root) error('root dir "' . self::$config['root'] . '" does not exist.'); // doc root self::$doc_root = real_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); // login self::$has_login = self::$config['username'] || self::$config['password'] ? true : false; // $image_cache $image_cache = self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['load_images'] ? true : false; // cache enabled if($image_cache || self::$config['cache']){ // create storage_path if(empty($storage_realpath)){ $storage_path = is_string($storage_path) ? rtrim($storage_path, '\/') : false; if(empty($storage_path)) error('Invalid storage_path parameter.'); mkdir_or_error($storage_path); $storage_realpath = real_path($storage_path); if(empty($storage_realpath)) error("storage_path <strong>$storage_path</strong> does not exist and can't be created."); } self::$storage_path = $storage_realpath; // storage path is within doc root if(is_within_docroot(self::$storage_path)) self::$storage_is_within_doc_root = true; // cache_path real path self::$cache_path = self::$storage_path . '/cache'; // create storage dirs if($is_doc){ $create_dirs = [$storage_realpath . '/config']; if($image_cache) $create_dirs[] = self::$cache_path . '/images'; if(self::$config['cache']) array_push($create_dirs, self::$cache_path . '/folders', self::$cache_path . '/menu'); foreach($create_dirs as $create_dir) mkdir_or_error($create_dir); } // create/update config file, with default parameters commented out. if($is_doc && self::$storage_config_realpath && (!file_exists(self::$storage_config_realpath) || filemtime(self::$storage_config_realpath) < filemtime(__FILE__))) self::save_config(); // image resize cache direct if(self::$config['image_resize_cache_direct'] && !self::$has_login && self::$config['load_images'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$storage_is_within_doc_root) self::$image_resize_cache_direct = true; } // image_resize_dimensions_retina if(self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] && self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] > self::$config['image_resize_dimensions']) self::$image_resize_dimensions_retina = self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina']; // dirs hash self::$dirs_hash = substr(md5(self::$doc_root . self::$__dir__ . self::$root . self::$version . self::$config['cache_key'] . self::$image_resize_cache_direct . self::$config['files_exclude'] . self::$config['dirs_exclude']), 0, 6); // login // $is_doc if(self::$has_login) check_login($is_doc); } }; // login page function login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash){ ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover, user-scalable=no, shrink-to-fit=no"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> <title>Login</title> <link href="<?php echo config::$assets ?>css/files.css" rel="stylesheet"> <?php custom_script('css'); ?> </head> <body><div id="files-login-container"></div></body> <script> document.getElementById('files-login-container').innerHTML = '\ <h1 class="header mb-5">Login</h1>\ <?php if($is_login_attempt && $_POST['sidx'] !== $sidx) { ?><div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><strong>PHP session ID mismatch</strong><br>If the error persists, your PHP is incorrectly creating new session ID for each request.</div><?php } else if($is_login_attempt) { ?>\ <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Incorrect login!</div><?php } else if($is_logout) { ?>\ <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">You are now logged out.</div><?php } ?>\ <form>\ <div class="mylogin">\ <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username">\ <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">\ </div>\ <input type="text" name="fusername" class="form-control form-control-lg mb-3" placeholder="Username" required autofocus>\ <input type="password" name="fpassword" class="form-control form-control-lg mb-3" placeholder="Password" required>\ <input type="hidden" name="client_hash" value="<?php echo $client_hash; ?>">\ <input type="hidden" name="sidx" value="<?php echo $sidx; ?>">\ <input type="submit" value="login" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">\ </form>'; document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].addEventListener('submit', function(){ this.action = '<?php echo isset($_GET['logout']) ? strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>'; this.method = 'post'; }, false); </script> </html> <?php exit; // end form and exit } // check login function check_login($is_doc){ if($is_doc) foreach (['username', 'password'] as $val) if(empty(config::$config[$val])) error($val . ' cannot be empty.'); if(!session_start() && $is_doc) error('Failed to initiate PHP session_start();', 500); function get_client_hash(){ foreach(array('HTTP_CLIENT_IP','HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR','HTTP_X_FORWARDED','HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR','HTTP_FORWARDED','REMOTE_ADDR') as $key){ if(isset($_SERVER[$key]) && !empty($_SERVER[$key]) && filter_var($_SERVER[$key], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) return md5($_SERVER[$key] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . __FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } error('Invalid IP', 401); } // hash $client_hash = get_client_hash(); $login_hash = md5(config::$config['username'] . config::$config['password'] . $client_hash); // login status $is_logout = isset($_GET['logout']) && isset($_SESSION['login']); if($is_logout) unset($_SESSION['login']); $is_logged_in = !$is_logout && isset($_SESSION['login']) && $_SESSION['login'] === $login_hash; // not logged in if(!$is_logged_in){ // login only on html pages if($is_doc){ // vars $sidx = md5(session_id()); $is_login_attempt = isset($_POST['fusername']) && isset($_POST['fpassword']) && isset($_POST['client_hash']) && isset($_POST['sidx']); // correct login set $_SESSION['login'] if($is_login_attempt && trim($_POST['fusername']) == config::$config['username'] && (phpversion() >= 5.5 && !password_needs_rehash(config::$config['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ? password_verify(trim($_POST['fpassword']), config::$config['password']) : (trim($_POST['fpassword']) == config::$config['password'])) && $_POST['client_hash'] === $client_hash && $_POST['sidx'] === $sidx ){ $_SESSION['login'] = $login_hash; // display login page and exit } else { login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash); } // not logged in (images or post API requests), don't show form. } else if(post('action')){ json_error('login'); } else { error('You are not logged in.', 401); } } } // function mkdir_or_error($path){ if(!file_exists($path) && !mkdir($path, 0777, true)) error('Failed to create ' . $path, 500); } function real_path($path){ $real_path = realpath($path); return $real_path ? str_replace('\\', '/', $real_path) : false; } function root_relative($dir){ return ltrim(substr($dir, strlen(config::$root)), '\/'); } function root_absolute($dir){ return config::$root . ($dir ? '/' . $dir : ''); } function is_within_path($path, $root){ return strpos($path . '/', $root . '/') === 0; } function is_within_root($path){ return is_within_path($path, config::$root); } function is_within_docroot($path){ return is_within_path($path, config::$doc_root); } function get_folders_cache_path($name){ return config::$cache_path . '/folders/' . $name . '.json'; } function get_json_cache_url($name){ $file = get_folders_cache_path($name); return file_exists($file) ? get_url_path($file) : false; } function get_dir_cache_path($dir, $mtime = false){ if(!config::$config['cache'] || !$dir) return; return get_folders_cache_path(get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime)); } function get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime = false){ return config::$dirs_hash . '.' . substr(md5($dir), 0, 6) . '.' . ($mtime ?: filemtime($dir)); } function header_memory_time(){ return (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']) ? round(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'], 3) . 's, ' : '') . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 1) . 'M'; } // read file // todo: add files-date header function read_file($path, $mime = 'image/jpeg', $msg = false, $props = false, $cache_headers = false){ if(!$path || !file_exists($path)) return false; if($mime == 'image/svg') $mime .= '+xml'; header('content-type: ' . $mime); header('content-length: ' . filesize($path)); header('content-disposition: filename="' . basename($path) . '"'); if($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ' [' . ($props ? $props . ', ' : '') . header_memory_time() . ']'); if($cache_headers) set_cache_headers(); if(!is_readable($path) || !readfile($path)) error('Failed to read file ' . $path . '.', 400); exit; } // get mime function get_mime($path){ if(function_exists('mime_content_type')){ return mime_content_type($path); } else { return function_exists('finfo_file') ? finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $path) : false; } } // set cache headers function set_cache_headers(){ $seconds = 31536000; // 1 year; header('expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $seconds) . ' GMT'); header("cache-control: public, max-age=$seconds, s-maxage=$seconds, immutable"); header('pragma: cache'); // header("Last-Modified:" . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() - $seconds) . ' GMT'); // etag? } // get image cache path function get_image_cache_path($path, $image_resize_dimensions, $filesize, $filemtime){ return config::$cache_path . '/images/' . substr(md5($path), 0, 6) . '.' . $filesize . '.' . $filemtime . '.' . $image_resize_dimensions . '.jpg'; } // is excluded function is_exclude($path = false, $is_dir = true, $symlinked = false){ // early exit if(!$path || $path === config::$root) return; // exclude files PHP application if($path === config::$__file__) return true; // symlinks not allowed if($symlinked && !config::$config['allow_symlinks']) return true; // exclude storage path if(config::$storage_path && is_within_path($path, config::$storage_path)) return true; // dirs_exclude: check root relative dir path if(config::$config['dirs_exclude']) { $dirname = $is_dir ? $path : dirname($path); if($dirname !== config::$root && preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], substr($dirname, strlen(config::$root)))) return true; } // files_exclude: check vs basename if(!$is_dir){ $basename = basename($path); if($basename === config::$local_config_file) return true; if(config::$config['files_exclude'] && preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], $basename)) return true; } } // valid root path function valid_root_path($path, $is_dir = false){ // invalid if($path === false) return; if(!$is_dir && empty($path)) return; // path cannot be empty if file if($path && substr($path, -1) == '/') return; // path should never be root absolute or end with / // absolute path may differ if path contains symlink $root_absolute = root_absolute($path); $real_path = real_path($root_absolute); // file does not exist if(!$real_path) return; // security checks if path contains symlink if($root_absolute !== $real_path) { if(strpos(($is_dir ? $path : dirname($path)), ':') !== false) return; // dir may not contain ':' if(strpos($path, '..') !== false) return; // path may not contain '..' if(is_exclude($root_absolute, $is_dir, true)) return; } // nope if(!is_readable($real_path)) return; // not readable if($is_dir && !is_dir($real_path)) return; // dir check if(!$is_dir && !is_file($real_path)) return; // file check if(is_exclude($real_path, $is_dir)) return; // exclude path // return root_absolute return $root_absolute; } // image create from function image_create_from($path, $type){ if(!$path || !$type) return; if($type === IMAGETYPE_JPEG){ return imagecreatefromjpeg($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_PNG) { return imagecreatefrompng($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_GIF) { return imagecreatefromgif($path); } else if ($type === 18/*IMAGETYPE_WEBP*/) { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefromwebp($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_BMP) { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefrombmp($path); } } // get file (proxy or resize image) function get_file($path, $resize = false){ // validate if(!$path) error('Invalid file request.', 404); $path = real_path($path); // in case of symlink path // mime $mime = get_mime($path); if(!$mime) error('Empty mime type.', 415); $mime_array = explode('/', $mime); // resize if($resize){ if($mime_array[0] !== 'image') error('<strong>' . basename($path) . '</strong> (' . $mime . ') is not an image.', 415); if(!config::$config['load_images']) error('Load images disabled.', 400); if(!config::$config['image_resize_enabled']) error('Resize images disabled.', 400); $resize_dimensions = intval($resize); if(!$resize_dimensions) error("Invalid resize parameter <strong>$resize</strong>.", 400); if(!in_array($resize_dimensions, [config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina])) error("Resize parameter <strong>$resize_dimensions</strong> is not allowed.", 400); resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions); // proxy file } else { // disable if !proxy and path is within document root (file should never be proxied) if(!config::$config['load_files_proxy_php'] && is_within_docroot($path)) error('File cannot be proxied.', 400); // read file read_file($path, $mime, $msg = 'File ' . basename($path) . ' proxied.', false, true); } } // sharpen resized image function sharpen_image($image){ $matrix = array( array(-1, -1, -1), array(-1, 20, -1), array(-1, -1, -1), ); $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix)); $offset = 0; imageconvolution($image, $matrix, $divisor, $offset); } // exif orientation // https://github.com/gumlet/php-image-resize/blob/master/lib/ImageResize.php function exif_orientation($orientation, &$image){ if(empty($orientation) || !is_numeric($orientation) || $orientation < 3 || $orientation > 8) return; $image = imagerotate($image, array(6 => 270, 5 => 270, 3 => 180, 4 => 180, 8 => 90, 7 => 90)[$orientation], null); if(in_array($orientation, array(5, 4, 7)) && function_exists('imageflip')) imageflip($image, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); return true; } // resize image function resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions){ // file size $file_size = filesize($path); // header props $header_props = 'w:' . $resize_dimensions . ', q:' . config::$config['image_resize_quality'] . ', ' . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . ', cache:' . (config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? '1' : '0'); // cache $cache = config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? get_image_cache_path($path, $resize_dimensions, $file_size, filemtime($path)) : NULL; if($cache) read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image served from cache', $header_props, true); // imagesize $info = getimagesize($path); if(empty($info) || !is_array($info)) error('Invalid image / failed getimagesize().', 500); $resize_ratio = max($info[0], $info[1]) / $resize_dimensions; // image_resize_max_pixels early exit if(config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] && $info[0] * $info[1] > config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels']) error('Image resolution <strong>' . $info[0] . ' x ' . $info[1] . '</strong> (' . ($info[0] * $info[1]) . ' px) exceeds <strong>image_resize_max_pixels</strong> (' . config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] . ' px).', 400); // header props $header_props .= ', ' . $info['mime'] . ', ' . $info[0] . 'x' . $info[1] . ', ratio:' . round($resize_ratio, 2); // output original if resize ratio < image_resize_min_ratio if($resize_ratio < max(config::$config['image_resize_min_ratio'], 1) && !read_file($path, $info['mime'], 'Original image served', $header_props, true)) error('File does not exist.', 404); // Calculate new image dimensions. $resize_width = round($info[0] / $resize_ratio); $resize_height = round($info[1] / $resize_ratio); // memory $memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : false; if($memory_limit && $memory_limit > -1){ // $memory_required = ceil(($info[0] * $info[1] * 4 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576); $memory_required = round(($info[0] * $info[1] * (isset($info['bits']) ? $info['bits'] / 8 : 1) * (isset($info['channels']) ? $info['channels'] : 3) * 1.33 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576, 1); $new_memory_limit = function_exists('ini_set') ? max($memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']) : $memory_limit; if($memory_required > $new_memory_limit) error('Resizing this image requires at least <strong>' . $memory_required . 'M</strong>. Your current PHP memory_limit is <strong>' . $new_memory_limit .'M</strong>.', 400); if($memory_limit < $new_memory_limit && @ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory_limit . 'M')) $header_props .= ', ' . $memory_limit . 'M => ' . $new_memory_limit . 'M (min ' . $memory_required . 'M)'; } // new dimensions headers $header_props .= ', ' . $resize_width . 'x' . $resize_height; // create new $image $image = image_create_from($path, $info[2]); if(!$image) error('Failed to create image resource.', 500); // Create final image with new dimensions. $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($resize_width, $resize_height); if(!call_user_func(config::$config['image_resize_function'], $new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resize_width, $resize_height, $info[0], $info[1])) error('Failed to resize image.', 500); // destroy original $image resource imagedestroy($image); // exif orientation $exif = function_exists('exif_read_data') ? @exif_read_data($path) : false; if(!empty($exif) && is_array($exif) && isset($exif['Orientation']) && exif_orientation($exif['Orientation'], $new_image)) $header_props .= ', orientated from EXIF:' . $exif['Orientation']; // sharpen resized image if(config::$config['image_resize_sharpen']) sharpen_image($new_image); // save to cache if($cache){ if(!imagejpeg($new_image, $cache, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('<strong>imagejpeg()</strong> failed to create and cache resized image.', 500); /* // store cache records in /images.json_decode(json)n $image_cache_path = config::$cache_path . '/images'; $image_cache_json = $image_cache_path . '/images.json'; $image_cache_arr = file_exists($image_cache_json) ? json_decode(file_get_contents($image_cache_json), true) : array(); $image_cache_arr[basename($cache)] = is_within_docroot($path) ? ltrim(substr($path, strlen(config::$doc_root)), '\/') : $path; file_put_contents($image_cache_json, json_encode($image_cache_arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));*/ // not cache / direct output } else { set_cache_headers(); header('content-type: image/jpeg'); header('files-msg: Resized image served [' . $header_props . ', ' . header_memory_time() . ']'); if(!imagejpeg($new_image, null, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('<strong>imagejpeg()</strong> failed to create and output resized image.', 500); } // destroy image imagedestroy($new_image); // cache readfile if($cache && !read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image cached and served', $header_props, true)) error('Cache file does not exist.', 404); // exit; // https://github.com/maxim/smart_resize_image/blob/master/smart_resize_image.function.php // https://github.com/gavmck/resize/blob/master/php/lib/resize-class.php // https://github.com/gumlet/php-image-resize/blob/master/lib/ImageResize.php // https://www.bitrepository.com/resize-an-image-keeping-its-aspect-ratio-using-php-and-gd.html } function get_url_path($dir){ if(!is_within_docroot($dir)) return false; // if in __dir__ path, __dir__ relative if(is_within_path($dir, config::$__dir__)) return $dir === config::$__dir__ ? '.' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$__dir__) + 1); // doc root, doc root relative return $dir === config::$doc_root ? '/' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$doc_root)); } // get dir function get_dir($path, $files = false, $json_url = false){ // realpath $realpath = $path ? real_path($path) : false; if(!$realpath) return; // no real path for any reason $symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point // exclude if(is_exclude($path, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude if($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude check again symlink realpath // vars $filemtime = filemtime($realpath); $url_path = get_url_path($realpath) ?: ($symlinked ? get_url_path($path) : false); // array $arr = array( 'basename' => basename($realpath) ?: basename($path) ?: '', 'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4), 'filetype' => 'dir', 'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath), 'is_readable' => is_readable($realpath), 'is_link' => $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false, 'mime' => 'directory', 'mtime' => $filemtime, 'path' => root_relative($path) ); // url path if($url_path) $arr['url_path'] = $url_path; // $files || config::menu_load_all if($files) $arr['files'] = get_files_data($path, $url_path, $arr['dirsize'], $arr['files_count'], $arr['images_count']); // json cache path if($json_url && config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && !config::$has_login && config::$config['cache']){ $json_cache = get_json_cache_url(get_dir_cache_hash($realpath, $filemtime)); if($json_cache) $arr['json_cache'] = $json_cache; } // return $arr; } // get menu sort function get_menu_sort($dirs){ if(strpos(config::$config['menu_sort'], 'date') === 0){ usort($dirs, function($a, $b) { return filemtime($a) - filemtime($b); }); } else { /*usort($dirs, function($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp(basename(real_path($a)), basename(real_path($b))); });*/ natcasesort($dirs); } return substr(config::$config['menu_sort'], -4) === 'desc' ? array_reverse($dirs) : $dirs; } // recursive directory scan function get_dirs($path = false, &$arr = array(), $depth = 0) { // get this dir (ignore root, unless load all ... root already loaded into page) if($depth || config::$config['menu_load_all']) { $data = get_dir($path, config::$config['menu_load_all'], !config::$config['menu_load_all']); if(!$data) return $arr; $arr[] = $data; // max depth if(config::$config['menu_max_depth'] && $depth >= config::$config['menu_max_depth']) return $arr; // don't recursive if symlink if($data['is_link'] && !config::$config['menu_recursive_symlinks']) return $arr; } // get dirs from files array if $data['files'] or glob subdirs $subdirs = isset($data['files']) ? array_filter(array_map(function($file){ return $file['filetype'] === 'dir' ? root_absolute($file['path']) : false; }, $data['files'])) : glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_ONLYDIR); // sort and loop subdirs if(!empty($subdirs)) foreach(get_menu_sort($subdirs) as $subdir) get_dirs($subdir, $arr, $depth + 1); // return return $arr; } function safe_iptc_tag($val, $max_str = 1000){ $val = @substr($val, 0, $max_str); return @mb_detect_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', true) ? $val : @utf8_encode($val); } function get_iptc($image_info){ if(!$image_info || !isset($image_info['APP13']) || !function_exists('iptcparse')) return; $app13 = @iptcparse($image_info['APP13']); if(empty($app13)) return; $iptc = array(); // title // ObjectName if(isset($app13['2#005'][0])) $iptc['title'] = safe_iptc_tag($app13['2#005'][0]); // description // Caption-Abstract if(isset($app13['2#120'][0])) $iptc['description'] = safe_iptc_tag($app13['2#120'][0]); // keywords array if(isset($app13['2#025']) && !empty($app13['2#025']) && is_array($app13['2#025'])) { $keywords = array_map(function($keyword){ return safe_iptc_tag($keyword, 100); }, $app13['2#025']); if(!empty($keywords)) $iptc['keywords'] = $keywords; } return $iptc; } // get exif function get_exif($path){ if(!function_exists('exif_read_data')) return; $exif_data = @exif_read_data($path, 'ANY_TAG', 0); // @exif_read_data($path); if(empty($exif_data) || !is_array($exif_data)) return; $exif = array(); foreach (array('DateTime', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ExposureTime', 'FNumber', 'FocalLength', 'Make', 'Model', 'Orientation', 'ISOSpeedRatings', 'Software') as $name) { if(isset($exif_data[$name])) $exif[$name] = trim($exif_data[$name]); } if(isset($exif['DateTime'])) $exif['DateTime'] = @strtotime($exif['DateTime']); if(isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $exif['DateTimeOriginal'] = @strtotime($exif['DateTimeOriginal']); /*LensInfo 24-70mm f/? Lens EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM LensID 230*/ // ApertureFNumber (f_stop) if(isset($exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'])) $exif['ApertureFNumber'] = $exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']; // flash if(isset($exif_data['Flash'])) $exif['Flash'] = ($exif_data['Flash'] & 1) != 0; // GPS $gps = get_image_location($exif_data); if(!empty($gps)) $exif['gps'] = $gps; // return return $exif; } function get_image_location($exif){ $arr = array('GPSLatitudeRef', 'GPSLatitude', 'GPSLongitudeRef', 'GPSLongitude'); foreach ($arr as $val) { if(!isset($exif[$val])) return false; } $GPSLatitudeRef = $exif[$arr[0]]; $GPSLatitude = $exif[$arr[1]]; $GPSLongitudeRef= $exif[$arr[2]]; $GPSLongitude = $exif[$arr[3]]; $lat_degrees = count($GPSLatitude) > 0 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[0]) : 0; $lat_minutes = count($GPSLatitude) > 1 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[1]) : 0; $lat_seconds = count($GPSLatitude) > 2 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[2]) : 0; $lon_degrees = count($GPSLongitude) > 0 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[0]) : 0; $lon_minutes = count($GPSLongitude) > 1 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[1]) : 0; $lon_seconds = count($GPSLongitude) > 2 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[2]) : 0; $lat_direction = ($GPSLatitudeRef == 'W' or $GPSLatitudeRef == 'S') ? -1 : 1; $lon_direction = ($GPSLongitudeRef == 'W' or $GPSLongitudeRef == 'S') ? -1 : 1; $latitude = $lat_direction * ($lat_degrees + ($lat_minutes / 60) + ($lat_seconds / (60*60))); $longitude = $lon_direction * ($lon_degrees + ($lon_minutes / 60) + ($lon_seconds / (60*60))); return array($latitude, $longitude); } function gps2Num($coordPart){ $parts = explode('/', $coordPart); if(count($parts) <= 0) return 0; if(count($parts) == 1) return $parts[0]; return floatval($parts[0]) / floatval($parts[1]); } // function get_files_data($dir, $url_path = false, &$dirsize = 0, &$files_count = 0, &$images_count = 0){ // scandir $filenames = scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); if(empty($filenames)) return array(); $items = array(); // loop filenames foreach($filenames as $filename) { // if($filename === '.' || $filename === '..') continue; $path = $dir . '/' . $filename; // paths $realpath = real_path($path); // differs from $path only if is symlinked if(!$realpath) continue; // no real path for any reason, for example symlink dead $symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point // filetype $filetype = filetype($realpath); $is_dir = $filetype === 'dir' ? true : false; // exclude if(is_exclude($path, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude if($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude check again symlink realpath // vars if(!$is_dir) $files_count ++; // files count $is_link = $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false; // symlink $basename = $is_link ? (basename($realpath) ?: $filename) : $filename; $filemtime = filemtime($realpath); $is_readable = is_readable($realpath); $filesize = $is_dir ? false : filesize($realpath); if($filesize) $dirsize += $filesize; // url_path / symlink $item_url_path = $symlinked ? get_url_path($realpath) : false; // url_path from realpath if symlinked if(!$item_url_path && $url_path) $item_url_path = $url_path . ($url_path === '/' ? '' : '/') . ($is_link ? basename($path) : $basename); // root path // path relative to config::$root if(!$symlinked || is_within_root($realpath)){ $root_path = root_relative($realpath); // path is symlinked and !is_within_root(), get path-relative } else { // root path to symlink $root_path = root_relative($path); // check for symlink loop if($is_link && $is_dir && $path && $root_path) { $basename_path = basename($root_path); if($basename_path && preg_match('/(\/|^)' . $basename_path. '\//', $root_path)){ $loop_path = ''; $segments = explode('/', $root_path); array_pop($segments); foreach ($segments as $segment) { $loop_path .= ($loop_path ? '/' : '') . $segment; if($segment !== $basename_path) continue; $loop_abs_path = root_absolute($loop_path); if(!is_link($loop_abs_path) || $realpath !== real_path($loop_abs_path)) continue; $root_path = $loop_path; $item_url_path = get_url_path($loop_abs_path) ?: $item_url_path; // new symlink is within doc_root break; } } } } // add properties $item = array( 'basename' => $basename, 'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4), 'filetype' => $filetype, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'is_readable' => $is_readable, 'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath), 'is_link' => $is_link, 'mtime' => $filemtime, 'path' => $root_path ); // optional props $ext = !$is_dir ? pathinfo($realpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) : false; if($ext) { $ext = strtolower($ext); $item['ext'] = $ext; } $mime = $is_dir ? 'directory' : ($is_readable && (!$ext || config::$config['get_mime_type']) ? get_mime($realpath) : false); if($mime) $item['mime'] = $mime; if($item_url_path) $item['url_path'] = $item_url_path; // image / check from mime, fallback to extension $is_image = $is_dir ? false : ($mime ? (strtok($mime, '/') === 'image' && !strpos($mime, 'svg')) : in_array($ext, array('gif','jpg','jpeg','jpc','jp2','jpx','jb2','png','swf','psd','bmp','tiff','tif','wbmp','xbm','ico','webp'))); if($is_image){ // imagesize $imagesize = $is_readable ? @getimagesize($realpath, $info) : false; // image count and icon $images_count ++; $item['icon'] = 'image'; // is imagesize if(!empty($imagesize) && is_array($imagesize)){ // start image array $image = array(); foreach (array(0 => 'width', 1 => 'height', 2 => 'type', 'bits' => 'bits', 'channels' => 'channels', 'mime' => 'mime') as $key => $name) if(isset($imagesize[$key])) $image[$name] = $imagesize[$key]; // mime from image if(!$mime && isset($image['mime'])) $item['mime'] = $image['mime']; // IPTC $iptc = $info ? get_iptc($info) : false; if(!empty($iptc)) $image['iptc'] = $iptc; // EXIF $exif = get_exif($realpath); if(!empty($exif)) { $image['exif'] = $exif; if(isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $item['DateTimeOriginal'] = $exif['DateTimeOriginal']; // invert width/height if exif orientation if(isset($exif['Orientation']) && $exif['Orientation'] > 4 && $exif['Orientation'] < 9){ $image['width'] = $imagesize[1]; $image['height'] = $imagesize[0]; } } // image resize cache direct if(config::$image_resize_cache_direct){ $resize1 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], $filesize, $filemtime); if(file_exists($resize1)) $image['resize' . config::$config['image_resize_dimensions']] = get_url_path($resize1); $retina = config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina; if($retina){ $resize2 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, $retina, $filesize, $filemtime); if(file_exists($resize2)) $image['resize' . $retina] = get_url_path($resize2); } } // add image to item $item['image'] = $image; // get real mime if getimagesize fails. Could be non-image disguised as image extension } else if($is_readable && !$mime){ $mime = get_mime($realpath); if($mime) { $item['mime'] = $mime; if(strtok($mime, '/') !== 'image'){ // unset images_count and icon because is not image after all $images_count --; unset($item['icon']); } } } } // add to items with basename as key $items[$basename] = $item; } // return $items; } // get files function get_files($dir){ // invalid $dir if(!$dir) json_error('Invalid directory'); // cache $cache = get_dir_cache_path(real_path($dir)); // read cache or get dir and cache if(!read_file($cache, 'application/json', 'files json served from cache')) { json_cache(get_dir($dir, true), 'files json created' . ($cache ? ' and cached' : ''), $cache); } } /* start here */ function post($param){ return isset($_POST[$param]) && !empty($_POST[$param]) ? $_POST[$param] : false; } function get($param){ return isset($_GET[$param]) && !empty($_GET[$param]) ? $_GET[$param] : false; } function json_cache($arr = array(), $msg = false, $cache = true){ header('content-type: application/json'); $json = empty($arr) ? '{}' : json_encode($arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); if($cache) @file_put_contents($cache, $json); if($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ' [' . header_memory_time() . ']'); echo $json; } function json_error($error = 'Error'){ header('Content-Type: application/json'); exit('{"error":"' . $error . '"}'); } function json_success($success){ header('Content-Type: application/json'); exit('{"success":"' . $success . '"}'); } function error($msg, $code = false){ // 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error if($code) http_response_code($code); header('content-type: text/html'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); exit('<h2>Error</h2>' . $msg); } // get valid menu cache function get_valid_menu_cache($cache){ if(!$cache || !file_exists($cache)) return; $json = @file_get_contents($cache); if(empty($json)) return; if(!config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) return $json; $arr = @json_decode($json, true); if(empty($arr)) return; foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { $path = $val['path']; if(strpos($path, '/') !== false && $val['mtime'] !== @filemtime(root_absolute($path))) return; // skip shallow 1st level dirs, and compare filemtime } return $json; } // get root dirs function get_root_dirs(){ $root_dirs = glob(config::$root . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT); if(empty($root_dirs)) return array(); return array_filter($root_dirs, function($dir){ return !is_exclude($dir, true, is_link($dir)); }); } // get menu cache hash function get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs){ $mtime_count = filemtime(config::$root); foreach ($root_dirs as $root_dir) $mtime_count += filemtime($root_dir); return substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$__dir__ . config::$root), 0, 6) . '.' . substr(md5(config::$version . config::$config['cache_key'] . config::$config['menu_max_depth'] . config::$config['menu_load_all'] . (config::$config['menu_load_all'] ? config::$config['files_exclude'] . config::$image_resize_cache_direct : '') . config::$has_login . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . config::$config['menu_sort']), 0, 6) . '.' . $mtime_count; } // get dirs function dirs(){ // get menu_cache_hash if(config::$config['cache']){ $menu_cache_hash = post('menu_cache_hash'); // get menu cache hash $menu_cache_arr = $menu_cache_hash ? explode('.', $menu_cache_hash) : false; if(!$menu_cache_arr || count($menu_cache_arr) !== 3 || strlen($menu_cache_arr[0]) !== 6 || strlen($menu_cache_arr[1]) !== 6 || !is_numeric($menu_cache_arr[2]) ) json_error('Invalid menu cache hash'); // early exit } $cache = config::$config['cache'] ? config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json' : false; // get cache path $json = $cache ? get_valid_menu_cache($cache) : false; // get valid json menu cache // $json is valid from menu cache file if($json){ header('content-type: application/json'); header('files-msg: valid menu cache hash [' . $menu_cache_hash . ']' . (!config::$config['menu_cache_validate'] ? '[deep validation disabled]' : '') . '[' . header_memory_time() . ']'); echo (post('localstorage') ? '{"localstorage":"1"}' : $json); // reload dirs } else { json_cache(get_dirs(config::$root), 'dirs reloaded' . ($cache ? ' and cached.' : ' [cache disabled]'), $cache); } } // custom_script (css + js in storage) function custom_script($type){ // todo maybe just use one file custom.css/js for easy edit? if(!config::$storage_path || !config::$storage_is_within_doc_root) return; $dir = config::$storage_path . '/' . $type; $files = file_exists($dir) ? glob($dir . '/*.' . $type) : false; if(empty($files)) return; $template = $type === 'css' ? '<link href="%url%" rel="stylesheet">' : '<script src="%url%"></script>'; foreach($files as $file) echo str_replace('%url%', get_url_path($file) . '?' . filemtime($file), $template) . PHP_EOL; } // POST if(post('action')){ // basic post access security: XMLHttpRequest + post_hash created from server paths if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] !== 'XMLHttpRequest' || post('post_hash') !== md5(__FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) json_error('Invalid request hash. Please Refresh browser.'); // post action $action = post('action'); // new config(); // dirs if($action === 'dirs'){ dirs(post('localstorage')); // files } else if($action === 'files'){ if(!isset($_POST['dir'])) json_error('Missing dir parameter'); get_files(valid_root_path($_POST['dir'], true)); // file } else if($action === 'file'){ // valid path $file = valid_root_path(post('file')); if(!$file) json_error('Invalid file path'); $file = real_path($file); // in case of symlink path // file write if(post('write')) { if(!config::$config['code_allow_edit']) json_error('Code editing has been disabled.'); if(!is_writeable($file) || !is_file($file)) json_error('File is not writeable.'); $write_success = @file_put_contents($file, post('write')); $cache_file = $write_success ? get_dir_cache_path(dirname($file)) : false; if($cache_file && file_exists($cache_file)) @unlink($cache_file); json_success($write_success); // get } else { header('content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); readfile($file); } // check login } else if($action === 'check_login'){ header('content-type: application/json'); echo '{"success":true}'; // check updates } else if($action === 'check_updates'){ header('Content-Type: application/json'); $data = @file_get_contents('https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/files.photo.gallery'); $json = $data ? @json_decode($data, true) : false; $latest = !empty($json) && isset($json['versions']) ? $json['versions'][0] : false; if($latest) { $is_new = version_compare($latest, config::$version) > 0; exit('{"success":' . ($is_new ? '"'.$latest.'"' : 'false') . ($is_new ? ',"writeable":' . (is_writable(__DIR__) && is_writable(__FILE__) ? 'true' : 'false') : '') . '}'); } exit('{"error": true }'); } else if($action === 'do_update'){ header('Content-Type: application/json'); $version = post('version'); $file = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/files.photo.gallery' . ($version ? '@' . $version : '') . '/index.php'; $update_is_newer = !$version || version_compare($version, config::$version) > 0; $writeable = $update_is_newer && is_writable(__DIR__) && is_writable(__FILE__); $get = $writeable ? @file_get_contents($file) : false; $put = $get && strpos($get, '<?php') === 0 && substr($get, -2) === '?>' && @file_put_contents(__FILE__, $get); exit('{"success":' . ($put ? 'true' : 'false') . '}'); } else if($action === 'license'){ header('Content-Type: application/json'); $key = isset($_POST['key']) ? trim($_POST['key']) : false; $success = config::$storage_config_realpath && $key && config::save_config(array('license_key' => $key)); exit('{"success":' . ($success ? 'true, "md5" : "' . md5($key) . '"' : 'false') . '}'); // invalid action } else { json_error('invalid action: ' . $action); } // GET } else /*if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET')*/{ // file/image if(isset($_GET['file'])){ new config(); get_file(valid_root_path(get('file')), get('resize')); // download } else if(isset($_GET['download'])){ new config(); // valid download $download = valid_root_path(get('download')); if(!$download) error('Invalid download path <strong>' . get('download') . '</strong>', 404); $download = real_path($download); // in case of symlink path // required for some browsers if(@ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); // headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($download) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($download)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($download); // tasks plugin } else if(get('task')){ // new config with tests new config(true); // get plugin $tasks_path = config::$storage_path . '/plugins/tasks.php'; if(!file_exists($tasks_path)) error("Tasks plugin does not exist at <strong>$tasks_path</strong>", 404); include $tasks_path; exit; // main document } else { // new config, with tests new config(true); // validate exclude regex if(config::$config['files_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid files_exclude regex <strong>' . config::$config['files_exclude'] . '</strong>'); if(config::$config['dirs_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid dirs_exclude regex <strong>' . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . '</strong>'); // start path $start_path = config::$config['start_path']; if($start_path){ $real_start_path = real_path($start_path); if(!$real_start_path) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' does not exist.'); if(!is_within_root($real_start_path)) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' is not within root dir ' . config::$config['root']); $start_path = root_relative($real_start_path); } // root dirs (if menu) $root_dirs = config::$config['menu_enabled'] || config::$config['breadcrumbs'] ? get_root_dirs() : false; $menu_enabled = config::$config['menu_enabled'] && !empty($root_dirs) ? true : false; $breadcrumbs = config::$config['breadcrumbs'] && !empty($root_dirs) ? true : false; // get menu cache hash $menu_cache_hash = false; $menu_cache_file = false; if($menu_enabled){ $menu_cache_hash = get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs); // menu cache file (if cache, !menu_cache_validate, exists and is within doc root) if(config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && config::$config['cache'] && !config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) { $menu_cache_path = config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json'; $menu_cache_file = file_exists($menu_cache_path) ? get_url_path($menu_cache_path) : false; if($menu_cache_file) $menu_cache_file .= '?' . filemtime($menu_cache_path); } } // init path $query = config::$config['history'] && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : false; $query_path = $query && strpos($query[0], '=') === false && $query[0] != 'debug' ? rtrim(rawurldecode($query[0]), '/') : false; $query_path_valid = $query_path ? valid_root_path($query_path, true) : false; $init_path = $query_path ?: $start_path ?: ''; // init dirs, with files if cache function get_dir_init($dir){ $cache = get_dir_cache_path($dir); if(file_exists($cache)) return json_decode(file_get_contents($cache), true); return get_dir($dir); } // get dirs for root and start path $dirs = array('' => get_dir_init(config::$root)); if($query_path){ if($query_path_valid) $dirs[$query_path] = get_dir_init($query_path_valid); } else if($start_path){ $dirs[$start_path] = get_dir_init($real_start_path); } // resize image types $resize_image_types = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { $resize_image_types[] = 'webp'; if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) $resize_image_types[] = 'bmp'; } // image resize memory limit $image_resize_memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : 0; if($image_resize_memory_limit && function_exists('ini_set')) $image_resize_memory_limit = max($image_resize_memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']); $wtc = config::$config[base64_decode('bGljZW5zZV9rZXk')]; // exclude some user settings from frontend $exclude = array_diff_key(config::$config, array_flip(array('root', 'start_path', 'image_resize_cache', 'image_resize_quality', 'image_resize_function', 'image_resize_cache_direct', 'menu_sort', 'menu_load_all', 'cache_key', 'storage_path', 'files_exclude', 'dirs_exclude', 'username', 'password', 'breadcrumbs', 'allow_tasks', 'allow_symlinks', 'menu_recursive_symlinks', 'image_resize_sharpen', 'get_mime_type', 'license_key'))); $json_config = array_replace($exclude, array( 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'script' => basename(__FILE__), 'menu_enabled' => $menu_enabled, 'menu_cache_hash' => $menu_cache_hash, 'menu_cache_file' => $menu_cache_file, 'query_path' => $query_path, 'query_path_valid' => $query_path_valid ? true : false, 'init_path' => $init_path, 'dirs' => $dirs, 'dirs_hash' => config::$dirs_hash, 'resize_image_types' => $resize_image_types, 'post_hash' => md5(__FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), 'image_cache_hash' => config::$config['load_images'] ? substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$root . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . config::$config['image_resize_quality']), 0, 6) : false, 'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina, 'location_hash' => md5(config::$root), 'has_login' => config::$has_login, 'version' => config::$version, 'index_html' => intval(get('index_html')), 'server_exif' => function_exists('exif_read_data'), 'image_resize_memory_limit' => $image_resize_memory_limit, 'qrx' => $wtc && is_string($wtc) ? substr(md5($wtc), 0, strlen($wtc)) : false )); // memory and time header('files-msg: [' . header_memory_time() . ']'); // htmlstart ?> <!doctype html> <html<?php echo ' class="menu-' . ($menu_enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled sidebar-closed') . '"'; ?>> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> <title><?php echo $init_path ? basename($init_path) : '/'; ?></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/photoswipe@4.1.3/dist/photoswipe.css"> <link href="<?php echo config::$assets ?>css/files.css" rel="stylesheet"> <?php custom_script('css'); ?> </head> <body class="body-loading"> <main id="main"> <?php $topbar_classes = array(); if(config::$config['topbar_sticky']) array_push($topbar_classes, 'topbar-sticky'); if($breadcrumbs) array_push($topbar_classes, 'has-breadcrumbs'); ?> <nav id="topbar"<?php if(!empty($topbar_classes)) echo ' class="' . join(' ', $topbar_classes) . '"'; ?>> <div id="topbar-top"> <input id="search" type="search" placeholder="search" disabled> <div id="change-layout" class="dropdown"></div> <div id="change-sort" class="dropdown"></div> <?php if(config::$config['username']) { ?><a href="<?php echo strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') . 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! function(e) { function t(e) { return e ? e.replace(/"/g, """) : "" } function i(e) { return e ? e.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">") : "" } function a(e, t, i, a) { return e && e.exif && e.exif.gps && Array.isArray(e.exif.gps) ? g(E.get_svg("marker") + U("google maps", i), "a", t, U("google maps", a), (n = e.exif.gps, Array.isArray(n) ? "https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=" + n : "#")) : ""; var n } function n(e, t) { var i = !!e.url_path && encodeURI(e.url_path); return "dir" === e.filetype ? i || "#" : !i || t && ["php", "htaccess"].includes(e.ext) || _c.load_files_proxy_php ? _c.script + (t ? "?download=" : "?file=") + encodeURIComponent(e.path) : i } function o(e) { var t = new URL(e, location); return !!t && x(t.href) } function l(e) { for (; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild) } function p(e, t) { e.length && V(e, (function(e) { (t || e.parentNode).removeChild(e) })) } function s(e, t, i) { b(e, (function(e) { var i = e.target.dataset.action; i && t(i, e) }), "click", !1, i) } function c(e, t, i, a) { if (!e || !e.width || !e.height) return ""; var n = e.width + " x " + e.height; return a && (n = g(n, "span", !1, G("图像尺寸"))), g(n, t, i) } function r(e, t, i, a) { var n = e.dirsize || e.filesize; if (!n) return ""; var o = filesize(n); return a && (o = g(o, "span", !1, G("文件大小"))), g(o, t, i) } function d(e, t, i) { return _c.context_menu && e ? '<button class="context-button' + (t ? " " + t : "") + '" data-action="context"' + f(!!i && G("选项")) + ">" + E.get_svg_multi("dots", "minus") + "</button>" : "" } function m(e, t, i, a) { if (!e || !e.iptc) return ""; var n = M(a || ["title", "description", "keywords"], (function(i, a) { var n = e.iptc[i]; if (n) return "keywords" === i && Array.isArray(n) && (n = n.join(", ")), g(n, "div", t ? t + "-" + i : i) })); return i ? g(n, "div", t + "-iptc") : n } var u = ["Model", "ApertureFNumber", "FocalLength", "ExposureTime", "ISOSpeedRatings", "gps"]; function v(e, t, i, n) { return e && e.exif ? g(M(u, (function(t) { var i = e.exif[t]; if (!i) return ""; if ("Model" === t) i = E.get_svg(i.toLowerCase().indexOf("phone") > -1 ? "cellphone" : "camera") + i; else if ("FocalLength" === t) { var o = i.split("/"); 2 === o.length && (i = (o[0] / o[1]).toFixed(1) + "<small>mm</small>") } else "ISOSpeedRatings" === t ? i = "<small>ISO</small>" + i : "gps" === t && (i = a(e, "google-maps-link", !1, !0)); return n && "gps" !== t && (i = g(i, "span", null, G(t))), g(i, "span", "exif-item exif-" + t) })), t, i) : "" } function f(e) { return e && W.is_pointer ? ' data-tooltip="' + e + '"' : "" } function g(e, t, i, a, n, o) { return e ? t ? "<" + t + (p = "class", (l = i) ? " " + p + '="' + l + '"' : "") + f(a) + (n ? ' href="' + n + '" target="_blank"' + (o ? " download" : "") : "") + ">" + e + "</" + t + ">" : e : ""; var l, p } function x(e) { if (navigator.clipboard) return navigator.clipboard.writeText(e); var t = document.createElement("span"); t.textContent = e, t.style.whiteSpace = "pre", document.body.appendChild(t); var i = window.getSelection(), a = window.document.createRange(); i.removeAllRanges(), a.selectNode(t), i.addRange(a); var n = !1; try { n = window.document.execCommand("copy") } catch (e) { console.log("error", e) } return i.removeAllRanges(), window.document.body.removeChild(t), n ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject() } function h(e, t, i, a, n) { e.classList.add(t), i && (e.disabled = i), setTimeout((function() { e.classList.remove([t]), i && (e.disabled = !1) }), a || 2e3) } function _(e, t, i) { if (i || e.which > 1 || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey) { var a = !!t && t.getAttribute("href"); if (a && "#" !== a) return t.contains(e.target) || t.click(), !0 } e.preventDefault() } function b(e, t, i, a, n) { e.addEventListener(i || "click", w(t, n)), a && t() } function w(e, t) { return t ? function(a) { i || (e.apply(this, arguments), i = setTimeout((function() { i = null }), t)) } : e; var i } function y(e, t) { var i; return function(a) { i && clearTimeout(i), i = setTimeout(e, t || 1e3, a) } } function H(e, t, i, a) { return a && (i = y(i, a)), e.addEventListener(t, i), { remove: function() { e.removeEventListener(t, i) } } } function k(e, t, i) { var a = i ? "add" : "remove"; V(L(e, t, !i), (function(e) { e.classList[a](t) })) } function L(e, t, i) { return e.filter((function(e) { return i == e.classList.contains(t) })) } function V(e, t) { for (var i = e.length, a = 0; a < i; a++) t(e[a], a) } function M(e, t) { for (var i = "", a = e.length, n = 0; n < a; n++) i += t(e[n], n) || ""; return i } function C(e, t) { for (var i = [], a = e.length, n = 0; n < a; n++) { var o = t(e[n], n); o && i.push(o) } return i } function z(e, t, i) { var a = new RegExp("[" + (i ? "#" : "?") + "&]" + e + (t ? "=([^&]*)" : "($|&|=)")), n = location[i ? "hash" : "search"].match(a); return !!n && (!t || n[1]) } function j(e) { _c.debug && console.log.apply(this, arguments) } function A(e, t, i) { !!e.offsetParent != !!t && (e.style.display = t ? i ? "" : "block" : "none") } function T(e, t, i) { N.plugins.mousetrap.loaded && Mousetrap[3 === arguments.length ? "bind" : "unbind"].apply(null, arguments) } function S(e, t, i) { return !!W.local_storage && (void 0 === t ? localStorage.getItem(e) : !0 === t ? localStorage.removeItem(e) : void setTimeout((function() { try { localStorage.setItem(e, t) } catch (e) { j("failed to write localstorage", e, "warn") } }), i || 0)) } function q(e) { var t = new XMLHttpRequest; t.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 == t.readyState) if (200 == t.status) { var i = t.responseText, a = e.json_response, n = e.json_response ? function() { try { return JSON.parse(i) } catch (e) { return a = !1, i } }() : i; if (a && n.error && "login" === n.error) return confirm(G("您已注销。")), void location.reload(); e.complete && e.complete(n, i, a); var o = !e.url && t.getResponseHeader("files-msg"); o && j("XHR: files-msg: " + o) } else e.fail && e.fail(t) }; var i = e.params ? e.params + (!e.url && _c.post_hash ? "&post_hash=" + _c.post_hash : "") : null; return t.open(i ? "POST" : "GET", e.url || _c.script), i && t.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), e.url || t.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"), e.json_response && t.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"), t.send(i || null), t } function I(e) { return _c.server_exif && e && e.exif && e.exif.Orientation && e.exif.Orientation > 4 && e.exif.Orientation < 9 } function O(e) { return atob(e) } function Z(e, t, i, a) { var n = '<div class="modal fade" id="' + e + '" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="' + e + '-label" aria-hidden="true">\t\t <div class="modal-dialog">\t\t <div class="modal-content">\t\t <div class="modal-body">' + i + "</div>\t\t " + (a ? '<div class="modal-footer">' + a + "</div>" : "") + "\t\t </div>\t\t </div>\t\t</div>"; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", n); var o = _id(e), l = new bootstrap.Modal(o); return b(o, (function(e) { l.dispose(), document.body.removeChild(o) }), "hidden.bs.modal"), l.show(), l } _id = document.getElementById.bind(document), _class = function(e, t) { return Array.from((t || document).getElementsByClassName(e)) }, _tag = function(e, t) { return Array.from((t || document).getElementsByTagName(e)) }, _query = function(e, t) { return (t || document).querySelector(e) }, _querya = function(e, t) { return Array.from((t || document).querySelectorAll(e)) }, _c.debug = z("debug") || 0 === location.host.indexOf("localhost"), _c.files = {}, j("_c", _c); var E = {}, N = {}, R = { main: _id("main"), topbar: _id("topbar"), list: _id("list"), list_ul: _id("list-ul"), topbar_info: _id("topbar-info"), filter: _id("search"), pswp: _id("pswp"), modal: _id("files_modal"), modal_bg: _id("modal-bg") }, W = {}; function F(e, t) { if (t) { var i = t.split("/"); if (!(i.length < 2 || i[0] !== e)) return W.hasOwnProperty(e) || (W[e] = function() { if ("audio" === e && !window.Audio) return !1; var t = "audio" === e ? ["mpeg", "mp4", "x-aiff", "ogg", "x-m4a", "aac", "webm", "wave", "wav", "x-wav", "x-pn-wav", "flac"] : ["mp4", "webm", "ogg", "3gp", "m4v", "x-m4v"]; try { var i = document.createElement(e); if (!i.canPlayType) return !1; var a = t.filter((function(t) { return i.canPlayType(e + "/" + t).replace(/no/, "") })); return !!a.length && a } catch (e) { return !1 } }()), !(!W[e] || !W[e].includes("x-flac" === i[1] ? "flac" : i[1])) && i[1] } }! function() { var e = W, t = document, i = navigator, a = window; e.explorer = /MSIE /.test(i.userAgent) || /Trident\//.test(i.userAgent); var n = !!(a.CSS && a.CSS.supports || a.supportsCSS); !e.explorer && n && CSS.supports("color", "var(--fake-var)") || (document.body.innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><h4 class="alert-heading">' + (e.explorer ? 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G(e) : "" } function G(e, t, i) { return t && 1 === i && (e = t), D[e] || e } function X(e, t) { return "" === e && (e = "ROOT"), "files:dir:" + _c.dirs_hash + ":" + (e || _c.current_dir.path) + ":" + (t || _c.current_dir.mtime) }! function() { var e = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/", t = "codemirror@5.57.0", i = "headroom.js@0.11.0", a = "mousetrap@1.6.5"; function n(e) { e.loading = !1, e.loaded = !0, V(e.complete, (function(e) { e() })), delete e.complete, delete e.src } function o(t, i, a) { var n = 0; V(t, (function(o) { ! function(t, i, a) { var n = "js" == a.type || "js" == t.slice(-2), o = document.createElement(n ? "script" : "link"); o[n ? "src" : "href"] = t.startsWith("http") ? t : e + t, i && (o.onload = i); a.error && (o.onerror = a.error); n ? document.body.appendChild(o) : (o.type = "text/css", o.rel = "stylesheet", document.head.insertBefore(o, _tag("link", document.head)[0])) }(o, (function() { ++n === t.length && i && i() }), a) })) } N.plugins = { codemirror: { src: [ [t + "/lib/codemirror.min.js", t + "/lib/codemirror.css"], [t + "/mode/meta.js", t + "/addon/mode/loadmode.js"] ], complete: [ function() { CodeMirror.modeURL = e + t + "/mode/%N/%N.js" } ] }, headroom: { src: [i + "/dist/headroom.min.js"] }, mousetrap: { src: [a + "/mousetrap.min.js"] }, cGF5cGFs: { src: [O("aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGF5cGFsLmNvbS9zZGsvanM/Y2xpZW50LWlkPQ==") + (location.search.includes("sandbox") ? O("QWRETjBCNzJWSUlHQk5HZnpOTHpfT0YtVGJ6MkxYcnhQeFNTamduUllmVUJFRnJZckp3eWV4cGsyM1VsZHh4ZnNmN3FSU2dvZG9OS3g1bTY=") : O("QVJFNEg3UWNvWG1LS1dUZktrLXBYQW5zSWZXMVpveDNidXdLbWFfeS1tbjRSalFaalM4R2hwMS1KVXhjZXZua2w1S0kwdkwtVUlKLXVFZlU="))], type: "js" } }, E.load_plugin = function(e, t, i) { N.plugins[e] || (N.plugins[e] = {}); var a = i ? Object.assign(N.plugins[e], i) : N.plugins[e]; if (a.loaded) t && t(); else if (a.loading) t && a.complete.push(t); else { a.loading = !0, a.complete || (a.complete = []), t && a.complete.push(t); var l = Array.isArray(a.src[0]); o(l ? a.src[0] : a.src, (function() { l ? o(a.src[1], (function() { n(a) }), a) : n(a) }), a) } }, E.load_plugin("mousetrap", (function() { Mousetrap.bind(["mod+f"], (function(e) { e.preventDefault(), N.headroom.pin(), R.filter.focus() })) })), "scroll" === _c.topbar_sticky && getComputedStyle(R.topbar).position.match("sticky") && E.load_plugin("headroom", (function() { Headroom.cutsTheMustard && (N.headroom = new Headroom(R.topbar, { tolerance: { down: 10, up: 20 }, offset: R.topbar.clientHeight }), N.headroom.init()) })) }(), function() { var e = { application: '<path d="M35 14C36.11 14 37 14.9 37 16V28A2 2 0 0 1 35 30H21C19.89 30 19 29.1 19 28V16A2 2 0 0 1 21 14H35M35 28V18H21V28H35z"/>', archive: '<path 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" svg-icon-" + n : "") + (a ? " " + a : "") + '"><path class="svg-file-icon-bg" d="M36.985,0H7.963C7.155,0,6.5,0.655,6.5,1.926V55c0,0.345,0.655,1,1.463,1h40.074 c0.808,0,1.463-0.655,1.463-1V12.978c0-0.696-0.093-0.92-0.257-1.085L37.607,0.257C37.442,0.093,37.218,0,36.985,0z"/><polygon class="svg-file-icon-flip" points="37.5,0.151 37.5,12 49.349,12"/>' + (n ? '<g class="svg-file-icon-icon">' + e[n] + "</g>" : "") + (o ? '<path class="svg-file-icon-text-bg" d="M48.037,56H7.963C7.155,56,6.5,55.345,6.5,54.537V39h43v15.537C49.5,55.345,48.845,56,48.037,56z"/><text class="svg-file-icon-ext' + (o.length > 3 ? " f_" + (15 - o.length) : "") + '" x="28" y="51.5">' + o + "</text>" : "") + (i.is_readable ? "" : '<path class="svg-icon-no" d="M 40.691 24.958 C 40.691 31.936 34.982 37.645 28.003 37.645 C 21.026 37.645 15.317 31.936 15.317 24.958 C 15.317 17.98 21.026 12.271 28.003 12.271 C 34.982 12.271 40.691 17.98 40.691 24.958"/><path style="fill: #FFF;" d="M 26.101 16.077 L 29.907 16.077 L 29.907 27.495 L 26.101 27.495 Z M 26.101 16.077"/><path style="fill: #FFF;" d="M 26.101 30.033 L 29.907 30.033 L 29.907 33.839 L 26.101 33.839 Z M 26.101 30.033"/>') + "</svg>" }; var n = { bell: "M16,17H7V10.5C7,8 9,6 11.5,6C14,6 16,8 16,10.5M18,16V10.5C18,7.43 15.86,4.86 13,4.18V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,3.5V4.18C7.13,4.86 5,7.43 5,10.5V16L3,18V19H20V18M11.5,22A2,2 0 0,0 13.5,20H9.5A2,2 0 0,0 11.5,22Z", check: "M21,7L9,19L3.5,13.5L4.91,12.09L9,16.17L19.59,5.59L21,7Z", close: "M19,6.41L17.59,5L12,10.59L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L12,13.41L17.59,19L19,17.59L13.41,12L19,6.41Z", dots: "M12,16A2,2 0 0,1 14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,16M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 10,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4Z", expand: "M10,21V19H6.41L10.91,14.5L9.5,13.09L5,17.59V14H3V21H10M14.5,10.91L19,6.41V10H21V3H14V5H17.59L13.09,9.5L14.5,10.91Z", collapse: "M19.5,3.09L15,7.59V4H13V11H20V9H16.41L20.91,4.5L19.5,3.09M4,13V15H7.59L3.09,19.5L4.5,20.91L9,16.41V20H11V13H4Z", zoom_in: "M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14M12,10H10V12H9V10H7V9H9V7H10V9H12V10Z", zoom_out: "M15.5,14H14.71L14.43,13.73C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,16C11.11,16 12.59,15.41 13.73,14.43L14,14.71V15.5L19,20.5L20.5,19L15.5,14M9.5,14C7,14 5,12 5,9.5C5,7 7,5 9.5,5C12,5 14,7 14,9.5C14,12 12,14 9.5,14M7,9H12V10H7V9Z", arrow_left: "M20,11V13H8L13.5,18.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L13.5,5.5L8,11H20Z", arrow_right: "M4,11V13H16L10.5,18.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L10.5,5.5L16,11H4Z", link: "M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z", logout: "M16,17V14H9V10H16V7L21,12L16,17M14,2A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H14V4H5V20H14V18H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 5,2H14Z", download: "M5,20H19V18H5M19,9H15V3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9Z", clipboard: "M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M7.5,13.5L9,12L11,14L15.5,9.5L17,11L11,17L7.5,13.5Z", save_edit: "M10,19L10.14,18.86C8.9,18.5 8,17.36 8,16A3,3 0 0,1 11,13C12.36,13 13.5,13.9 13.86,15.14L20,9V7L16,3H4C2.89,3 2,3.9 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H10V19M4,5H14V9H4V5M20.04,12.13C19.9,12.13 19.76,12.19 19.65,12.3L18.65,13.3L20.7,15.35L21.7,14.35C21.92,14.14 21.92,13.79 21.7,13.58L20.42,12.3C20.31,12.19 20.18,12.13 20.04,12.13M18.07,13.88L12,19.94V22H14.06L20.12,15.93L18.07,13.88Z", marker: "M15.5,4.5C15.5,5.06 15.7,5.54 16.08,5.93C16.45,6.32 16.92,6.5 17.5,6.5C18.05,6.5 18.5,6.32 18.91,5.93C19.3,5.54 19.5,5.06 19.5,4.5C19.5,3.97 19.3,3.5 18.89,3.09C18.5,2.69 18,2.5 17.5,2.5C16.95,2.5 16.5,2.69 16.1,3.09C15.71,3.5 15.5,3.97 15.5,4.5M22,4.5C22,5.5 21.61,6.69 20.86,8.06C20.11,9.44 19.36,10.56 18.61,11.44L17.5,12.75C17.14,12.38 16.72,11.89 16.22,11.3C15.72,10.7 15.05,9.67 14.23,8.2C13.4,6.73 13,5.5 13,4.5C13,3.25 13.42,2.19 14.3,1.31C15.17,0.44 16.23,0 17.5,0C18.73,0 19.8,0.44 20.67,1.31C21.55,2.19 22,3.25 22,4.5M21,11.58V19C21,19.5 20.8,20 20.39,20.39C20,20.8 19.5,21 19,21H5C4.5,21 4,20.8 3.61,20.39C3.2,20 3,19.5 3,19V5C3,4.5 3.2,4 3.61,3.61C4,3.2 4.5,3 5,3H11.2C11.08,3.63 11,4.13 11,4.5C11,5.69 11.44,7.09 12.28,8.7C13.13,10.3 13.84,11.5 14.41,12.21C15,12.95 15.53,13.58 16.03,14.11L17.5,15.7L19,14.11C20.27,12.5 20.94,11.64 21,11.58M9,14.5V15.89H11.25C11,17 10.25,17.53 9,17.53C8.31,17.53 7.73,17.28 7.27,16.78C6.8,16.28 6.56,15.69 6.56,15C6.56,14.31 6.8,13.72 7.27,13.22C7.73,12.72 8.31,12.47 9,12.47C9.66,12.47 10.19,12.67 10.59,13.08L11.67,12.05C10.92,11.36 10.05,11 9.05,11H9C7.91,11 6.97,11.41 6.19,12.19C5.41,12.97 5,13.91 5,15C5,16.09 5.41,17.03 6.19,17.81C6.97,18.59 7.91,19 9,19C10.16,19 11.09,18.63 11.79,17.91C12.5,17.19 12.84,16.25 12.84,15.09C12.84,14.81 12.83,14.61 12.8,14.5H9Z", info: "M11,9H13V7H11M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M11,17H13V11H11V17Z", folder: "M4 5v14h16V7h-8.414l-2-2H4zm8.414 0H21a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v14a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h7.414l2 2z", folder_plus: "M13 9h-2v3H8v2h3v3h2v-3h3v-2h-3z", folder_minus: "M7.874 12h8v2h-8z", folder_forbid: "M22 11.255a6.972 6.972 0 0 0-2-.965V7h-8.414l-2-2H4v14h7.29a6.96 6.96 0 0 0 .965 2H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h7.414l2 2H21a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v5.255zM18 22a5 5 0 1 1 0-10a5 5 0 0 1 0 10zm-1.293-2.292a3 3 0 0 0 4.001-4.001l-4.001 4zm-1.415-1.415l4.001-4a3 3 0 0 0-4.001 4.001z", folder_link: "M22 13h-2V7h-8.414l-2-2H4v14h9v2H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h7.414l2 2H21a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v7zm-4 4v-3.5l5 4.5l-5 4.5V19h-3v-2h3z", folder_open: "M12.414 5H21a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v14a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h7.414l2 2zM4 5v14h16V7h-8.414l-2-2H4zm8 7V9l4 4l-4 4v-3H8v-2h4z", folder_move_outline: "M20 18H4V8H20V18M12 6L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6H12M11 14V12H15V9L19 13L15 17V14H11Z", alert_circle_outline: "M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20Z", date: "M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12.5,7V12.25L17,14.92L16.25,16.15L11,13V7H12.5Z", camera: "M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M20,18H4V6H8.05L9.88,4H14.12L15.95,6H20V18M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15Z", cellphone: "M17,19H7V5H17M17,1H7C5.89,1 5,1.89 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3C19,1.89 18.1,1 17,1Z", plus: "M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z", minus: "M19,13H5V11H19V13Z", menu: "M3,6H21V8H3V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,16H21V18H3V16Z", menu_back: "M5,13L9,17L7.6,18.42L1.18,12L7.6,5.58L9,7L5,11H21V13H5M21,6V8H11V6H21M21,16V18H11V16H21Z", sort_name: "M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75M8.89,14.3H6L5.28,17H2.91L6,7H9L12.13,17H9.67L8.89,14.3M6.33,12.68H8.56L7.93,10.56L7.67,9.59L7.42,8.63H7.39L7.17,9.6L6.93,10.58L6.33,12.68M13.05,17V15.74L17.8,8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09,15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z", sort_kind: "M3,13H15V11H3M3,6V8H21V6M3,18H9V16H3V18Z", sort_filesize: "M10,13V11H18V13H10M10,19V17H14V19H10M10,7V5H22V7H10M6,17H8.5L5,20.5L1.5,17H4V7H1.5L5,3.5L8.5,7H6V17Z", sort_date: "M7.78,7C9.08,7.04 10,7.53 10.57,8.46C11.13,9.4 11.41,10.56 11.39,11.95C11.4,13.5 11.09,14.73 10.5,15.62C9.88,16.5 8.95,16.97 7.71,17C6.45,16.96 5.54,16.5 4.96,15.56C4.38,14.63 4.09,13.45 4.09,12C4.09,10.55 4.39,9.36 5,8.44C5.59,7.5 6.5,7.04 7.78,7M7.75,8.63C7.31,8.63 6.96,8.9 6.7,9.46C6.44,10 6.32,10.87 6.32,12C6.31,13.15 6.44,14 6.69,14.54C6.95,15.1 7.31,15.37 7.77,15.37C8.69,15.37 9.16,14.24 9.17,12C9.17,9.77 8.7,8.65 7.75,8.63M13.33,17V15.22L13.76,15.24L14.3,15.22L15.34,15.03C15.68,14.92 16,14.78 16.26,14.58C16.59,14.35 16.86,14.08 17.07,13.76C17.29,13.45 17.44,13.12 17.53,12.78L17.5,12.77C17.05,13.19 16.38,13.4 15.47,13.41C14.62,13.4 13.91,13.15 13.34,12.65C12.77,12.15 12.5,11.43 12.46,10.5C12.47,9.5 12.81,8.69 13.47,8.03C14.14,7.37 15,7.03 16.12,7C17.37,7.04 18.29,7.45 18.88,8.24C19.47,9 19.76,10 19.76,11.19C19.75,12.15 19.61,13 19.32,13.76C19.03,14.5 18.64,15.13 18.12,15.64C17.66,16.06 17.11,16.38 16.47,16.61C15.83,16.83 15.12,16.96 14.34,17H13.33M16.06,8.63C15.65,8.64 15.32,8.8 15.06,9.11C14.81,9.42 14.68,9.84 14.68,10.36C14.68,10.8 14.8,11.16 15.03,11.46C15.27,11.77 15.63,11.92 16.11,11.93C16.43,11.93 16.7,11.86 16.92,11.74C17.14,11.61 17.3,11.46 17.41,11.28C17.5,11.17 17.53,10.97 17.53,10.71C17.54,10.16 17.43,9.69 17.2,9.28C16.97,8.87 16.59,8.65 16.06,8.63M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75Z", filesize: "M3,13H15V11H3M3,6V8H21V6M3,18H9V16H3V18Z", layout_list: "M3,4H7V8H3V4M9,5V7H21V5H9M3,10H7V14H3V10M9,11V13H21V11H9M3,16H7V20H3V16M9,17V19H21V17H9", layout_blocks: "M2 14H8V20H2M16 8H10V10H16M2 10H8V4H2M10 4V6H22V4M10 20H16V18H10M10 16H22V14H10", layout_grid: "M3,9H7V5H3V9M3,14H7V10H3V14M8,14H12V10H8V14M13,14H17V10H13V14M8,9H12V5H8V9M13,5V9H17V5H13M18,14H22V10H18V14M3,19H7V15H3V19M8,19H12V15H8V19M13,19H17V15H13V19M18,19H22V15H18V19M18,5V9H22V5H18Z", layout_rows: "M3,19H9V12H3V19M10,19H22V12H10V19M3,5V11H22V5H3Z", layout_columns: "M2,5V19H8V5H2M9,5V10H15V5H9M16,5V14H22V5H16M9,11V19H15V11H9M16,15V19H22V15H16Z", layout_small: "M16.59,5.41L15.17,4L12,7.17L8.83,4L7.41,5.41L12,10M7.41,18.59L8.83,20L12,16.83L15.17,20L16.58,18.59L12,14L7.41,18.59Z", layout_large: "M12,18.17L8.83,15L7.42,16.41L12,21L16.59,16.41L15.17,15M12,5.83L15.17,9L16.58,7.59L12,3L7.41,7.59L8.83,9L12,5.83Z", lock_outline: "M12,17C10.89,17 10,16.1 10,15C10,13.89 10.89,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10C4,8.89 4.89,8 6,8H7V6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6V8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3Z", lock_open_outline: "M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,17A2,2 0 0,1 10,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17Z", open_in_new: "M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z", play: "M8,5.14V19.14L19,12.14L8,5.14Z", pause: "M14,19H18V5H14M6,19H10V5H6V19Z", menu_down: "M7,13L12,18L17,13H7Z", menu_up: "M7,12L12,7L17,12H7Z", home: "M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M17 13V17H15V14H13V17H11V13H9L14 9L19 13Z", image_search_outline: "M15.5,9C16.2,9 16.79,8.76 17.27,8.27C17.76,7.79 18,7.2 18,6.5C18,5.83 17.76,5.23 17.27,4.73C16.79,4.23 16.2,4 15.5,4C14.83,4 14.23,4.23 13.73,4.73C13.23,5.23 13,5.83 13,6.5C13,7.2 13.23,7.79 13.73,8.27C14.23,8.76 14.83,9 15.5,9M19.31,8.91L22.41,12L21,13.41L17.86,10.31C17.08,10.78 16.28,11 15.47,11C14.22,11 13.16,10.58 12.3,9.7C11.45,8.83 11,7.77 11,6.5C11,5.27 11.45,4.2 12.33,3.33C13.2,2.45 14.27,2 15.5,2C16.77,2 17.83,2.45 18.7,3.33C19.58,4.2 20,5.27 20,6.5C20,7.33 19.78,8.13 19.31,8.91M16.5,18H5.5L8.25,14.5L10.22,16.83L12.94,13.31L16.5,18M18,13L20,15V20C20,20.55 19.81,21 19.41,21.4C19,21.79 18.53,22 18,22H4C3.45,22 3,21.79 2.6,21.4C2.21,21 2,20.55 2,20V6C2,5.47 2.21,5 2.6,4.59C3,4.19 3.45,4 4,4H9.5C9.2,4.64 9.03,5.31 9,6H4V20H18V13Z", file: "M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M18,20H6V4H13V9H18V20Z", file_hidden: "M13,9H14V11H11V7H13V9M18.5,9L16.38,6.88L17.63,5.63L20,8V10H18V11H15V9H18.5M13,3.5V2H12V4H13V6H11V4H9V2H8V4H6V5H4V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2H14L16.36,4.36L15.11,5.61L13,3.5M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H16V20H18V19H20V20M18,15H20V18H18V15M12,22V20H15V22H12M8,22V20H11V22H8M6,22C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V18H6V20H7V22H6M4,14H6V17H4V14M4,10H6V13H4V10M18,11H20V14H18V11M4,6H6V9H4V6Z", application: "M19,4C20.11,4 21,4.9 21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 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16,10.23C16,9.26 15.75,8.5 15.1,7.88C14.45,7.29 13.83,7 12.3,7H8V17H9.8V13.4M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M9.8,12V8.4H12.1C12.76,8.4 13.27,8.65 13.6,9C13.93,9.35 14.1,9.72 14.1,10.24C14.1,10.8 13.92,11.19 13.6,11.5C13.28,11.81 12.9,12 12.22,12H9.8Z", text: "M14,17H7V15H14M17,13H7V11H17M17,9H7V7H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z", video: "M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5Z", word: "M15.5,17H14L12,9.5L10,17H8.5L6.1,7H7.8L9.34,14.5L11.3,7H12.7L14.67,14.5L16.2,7H17.9M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z" }; E.get_svg = function(e) { return '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="svg-icon svg-icon-' + e + '"><path d="' + n[e] + '" /></svg>' }, E.get_svg_file_icon = function(e) { if ("dir" === e.filetype) return t(!1, !1, e.is_link, e.is_readable); var i = E.get_file_type(e) || 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"/" + a : a, (t.length || a !== n[p]) && (o += l(e, i(a)), t.push(p + 1)) })), t.length && (R.breadcrumbs.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", o), s(C(t, (function(e) { return R.breadcrumbs.children[e] })))), n = a.slice(0), R.breadcrumbs.lastChild != R.breadcrumbs.firstChild && R.breadcrumbs.lastChild.classList.add("crumb-active") } }(), _c.prevent_right_click && (b(document, (function(e) { ("IMG" === e.target.nodeName || "VIDEO" === e.target.nodeName || e.target.closest(".menu-li") || e.target.closest(".files-li")) && e.preventDefault() }), "contextmenu"), document.documentElement.style.setProperty("--touch-callout", "none")), function() { function e(e, t, i, a) { return a ? '<button class="dropdown-item" data-action="' + i + '">' + E.get_svg(t) + G(e) + "</button>" : "" } function l() { N.contextmenu.is_open && p() } function p(e, t) { if (e != N.contextmenu.is_open) { var i = (e ? 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' data-tooltip="' + o.format(a) + '" data-tooltip-format="' + a + '"' : "") + ">" + e(o, i, n) + "</time>" }, dayjs.extend(dayjs_plugin_localizedFormat), dayjs.extend(dayjs_plugin_relativeTime); var t = navigator.languages || !!navigator.language && [navigator.language]; if (t && t.length) { var i = ["af", "ar", "ar-dz", "ar-kw", "ar-ly", "ar-ma", "ar-sa", "ar-tn", "az", "be", "bg", "bm", "bn", "bo", "br", "bs", "ca", "cs", "cv", "cy", "da", "de", "de-at", "de-ch", "dv", "el", "en", "en-au", "en-ca", "en-gb", "en-ie", "en-il", "en-nz", "en-SG", "eo", "es", "es-do", "es-us", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi", "fo", "fr", "fr-ca", "fr-ch", "fy", "ga", "gd", "gl", "gom-latn", "gu", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "hy-am", "id", "is", "it", "it-ch", "ja", "jv", "ka", "kk", "km", "kn", "ko", "ku", "ky", "lb", "lo", "lt", "lv", "me", "mi", "mk", "ml", "mn", "mr", "ms", "ms-my", "mt", "my", "nb", "ne", "nl", "nl-be", "nn", "oc-lnc", "pa-in", "pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sd", "se", "si", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sr-cyrl", "ss", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tet", "tg", "th", "tl-ph", "tlh", "tr", "tzl", "tzm", "tzm-latn", "ug-cn", "uk", "ur", "uz", "uz-latn", "vi", "x-pseudo", "yo", "zh-cn", "zh-hk", "zh-tw"]; t.some((function(e) { return n(e = e.toLowerCase()) || e.includes("-") && n(e.split("-")[0]) })) } function a(t) { if (t) return E.load_plugin("dayjs_locale", (function() { dayjs.locale(t), V(_tag("time"), (function(t) { if (t.dataset.time) { var i = dayjs.unix(t.dataset.time); t.innerHTML = e(i, t.dataset.format, t.children[0]), t.dataset.tooltipFormat && (t.dataset.tooltip = i.format(t.dataset.tooltipFormat)) } })), _c.current_dir && (_c.current_dir.html = !1) }), { src: ["dayjs@1.8.34/locale/" + t + ".js"] }), !0 } function n(e) { return !!["en", "en-us"].includes(e) || ("zn" === e ? a("zh-cn") : "no" === e ? a("nb") : i.includes(e) ? a(e) : void 0) } }(), N.dropdown = {}, P = W.pointer_events ? "pointerup" : "click", B = W.pointer_events ? "pointerdown" : "mousedown", E.dropdown = function(e, t, i) { var a; b(t, (function(t) { "mouse" === t.pointerType ? i && i() : (e.classList.contains("touch-open") ? a.remove() : a = H(document, B, (function(t) { t.target.closest(".dropdown") !== e && (a.remove(), e.classList.remove("touch-open")) })), e.classList.toggle("touch-open")) }), P), W.is_pointer && (W.is_touch ? W.pointer_events && b(t, (function(t) { e.classList.toggle("mouse-hover", "mouse" === t.pointerType) }), "pointerover") : e.classList.add("mouse-hover")) }, function() { var e = !1, o = W.pixel_ratio >= 1.5 && _c.image_resize_dimensions_retina ? _c.image_resize_dimensions_retina : _c.image_resize_dimensions, p = Math.max(_c.image_resize_min_ratio, 1); function u(t, i) { if (e) return e.abort(), e = !1, void(i && i()); if (_c.transitions && _c.files_count) { if ("list" === _c.layout) { anime.remove(R.list_ul); var a = { targets: R.list_ul, translateY: t ? [-3, 0] : [0, 3], opacity: t ? 1 : 0, easing: "easeOutQuint", duration: 250 }; return i && (a.complete = i), void anime(a) } for (var n = R.list_ul.children, o = n.length, l = [], p = window.innerHeight, s = 0; s < o; s++) { var c = n[s], r = c.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!(r.bottom < 0)) if (r.top < p - 10) l.push(c); else if ("columns" !== _c.layout) break } var d = Math.min(Math.round(300 / l.length), 30); a = { targets: l, scale: t ? [.95, 1] : [1, .98], opacity: t ? [0, 1] : [1, 0], easing: "easeOutQuint", duration: t ? 200 : 100, delay: anime.stagger(d) }; i && (a.complete = i), anime(a) } else i && i() } function f(e, t) { if ("replace" === e) { if (_c.query_path || !t) return location.href } else if (!t) return "//" + location.host + location.pathname; return "?" + encodeURI(t).replace(/&/g, "%26") } function x() { N.list && N.list.clear(), l(R.list_ul), window.scrollY && window.scroll({ top: 0 }) } function h(e) { var t = N.list.search(e, ["basename", "filetype", "mime", "features", "icon"]).length; A(R.list_ul, t, !0), E.topbar_info_search(e, t), window.scrollY && window.scroll({ top: 0 }) } function w() { return _c.current_dir.html = M(_c.file_names, (function(e, l) { var s = _c.files[e], u = 1, f = !1, x = !1, h = "dir" === s.filetype; if (h || s.mime || !s.ext || (s.mime = Q[s.ext]), !h && s.mime) { var _ = s.mime.split("/"); if ("image" === _[0]) { s.is_image = !0; var b = _[1]; W.browser_images.includes(b) && (s.is_browser_image = b, _c.resize_image_types.includes(b) ? s.is_resize_image = !0 : "svg+xml" === b ? s.is_browser_image = "svg" : "vnd.microsoft.icon" !== b && "x-icon" !== b || (s.is_browser_image = "ico")) } } if (_c.load_images && s.is_readable && s.is_browser_image && ("svg" === s.is_browser_image ? s.filesize < _c.load_svg_max_filesize && (f = "svg") : "ico" === s.is_browser_image ? f = "svg" : (s.is_resize_image && function(e) { if (_c.image_resize_enabled && e && e.width && e.height) { var t = Math.max(e.width, e.height) / o, i = e.width * e.height; if (!(t < p || _c.image_resize_max_pixels && i > _c.image_resize_max_pixels)) { if (_c.image_resize_memory_limit) { var a = e.width / t, n = e.height / t; if ((i * (e.bits ? e.bits / 8 : 1) * (e.channels || 3) * 1.33 + a * n * 4) / 1048576 > _c.image_resize_memory_limit) return } return !0 } } }(s.image) && (x = o), (x || s.filesize <= _c.load_images_max_filesize) && (f = "img", s.image && (u = s.image.width / s.image.height)))), f) var w = '<img class="img img-' + f + ' lazy" data-src="' + function() { if (x && s.image["resize" + x]) return encodeURI(s.image["resize" + x]); if (x || _c.load_files_proxy_php || !s.url_path) { var e = s.mtime + "." + s.filesize; return _c.script + "?file=" + encodeURIComponent(s.path) + (x ? "&resize=" + x + "&" + _c.image_cache_hash + "." + e : "&" + e) } return t(s.url_path) }() + '">'; else { f = h ? "folder" : "file"; w = E.get_file_icon(s) } var y = "img-wrapper img-wrapper-" + f + ("img" === f || "svg" === f ? " img-bg" : ""), H = "files-li li-" + f; return function(e) { var t = "dir" == e.filetype ? "folders" : "files", i = e.image; if (i) { t += ",image"; var a = i.width, n = i.height, o = i.exif, l = i.iptc; a && n && (t += a === n ? ",square" : a > n ? ",landscape,horizontal" : "portrait,vertical"), o && (t += ",exif", o.gps && (t += ",gps,maps"), t += M(["Make", "Model", "Software"], (function(e) { if (o[e]) return "," + o[e] }))), l && (t += ",iptc", (l.title || l.description) && (t += ",caption", l.title && (t += ",title"), l.description && (t += ",description")), l.keywords && (t += ",keywords")) } e.features = t }(s), s.sort_name = s.basename.toLowerCase(), s.DateTimeOriginal && (s.mtime = s.DateTimeOriginal), '<li class="' + H + '" style="--ratio:' + u + '" data-name="' + t(s.basename) + '">' + g(w, "a", y, !1, n(s, "download" === _c.click), !h && "download" === _c.click) + '<div class="data">' + a(s.image, "gps", !1, !0) + g(i(s.basename), "span", "name") + m(s.image, !1, !1, ["title"]) + g(E.get_svg_file_icon(s), "span", "icon") + g(!h && s.mime, "span", "mime") + c(s.image, "span", "dimensions") + r(s, "span", "size") + v(s.image, "span", "exif", !0) + (h ? "" : '<span class="ext">' + g(s.ext, "span", "ext-inner") + "</span>") + g(E.get_time(s, "ll", "llll", !1), "span", "date") + '<span class="flex"></span></div>' + d("menu" !== _c.click || h, "files-context") + "</li>" })), _c.current_dir.html } function y(e, t, i) { J(), R.topbar.classList.remove("topbar-spinner"), 0, _c.current_dir = _c.dirs[e]; var a = e ? _c.current_dir.basename : "/"; document.title = a, t && _c.history && history[t + "State"]({ path: e }, a, f(t, e)), _c.files = _c.current_dir.files, j(i + " :", e, _c.current_dir), _c.file_names = Object.keys(_c.files), _c.files_count = _c.file_names.length, _c.breadcrumbs && E.breadcrumbs_info(), A(R.list_ul, _c.files_count, !0), _c.files_count || E.topbar_info(E.get_svg("alert_circle_outline") + G("目录为空"), "warning"), _c.files_count && (R.filter.disabled = !1), _c.files_count && (R.list_ul.innerHTML = _c.current_dir.html || w(), N.list = new List(R.list, {}), V(_c.file_names, (function(e, t) { N.list.items[t]._values = _c.files[e] })), E.set_sort(), u(!0), "replace" === t && function(e) { if (!_c.history || !location.hash) return; var t = z("pid", !0, !0), i = t || location.hash.replace("#", ""); if (!i) return; var a = _c.files[decodeURIComponent(i)]; if (!a) return; t && a.is_browser_image ? E.open_popup(a.path, !0) : E.open_modal(a) }()) } function H(e, t) { return _c.dirs[e] ? t ? _c.dirs[e].mtime > t.mtime ? _c.dirs[e] = Object.assign(t, _c.dirs[e]) : Object.assign(_c.dirs[e], t) : _c.dirs[e] : _c.dirs[e] = t || {} } function k(e, t, i) { E.topbar_info(E.get_svg("alert_circle_outline") + "<strong>" + G("Error") + "</strong>" + (e ? ": " + e : "."), "error"), i && _c.history && history[i + "State"]({ path: t }, G("Error") + (e ? ": " + e : "."), f(i, t)) } b(R.filter, (function() { h(this.value) }), "input"), E.get_files = function(t, i) { if (t !== _c.current_path) { _c.current_path = t, E.topbar_info(), R.filter.value = null, R.filter.disabled = !0, R.filter.classList.remove("nomatches"), _c.breadcrumbs && E.set_breadcrumbs(t), _c.menu_enabled && E.set_menu_active(t); var a = _c.dirs[t]; if (a) { if (a.files) return void u(!1, (function() { x(), y(t, i, "files from JS") })); var n = S(X(t, a.mtime)); if (n) return H(t, JSON.parse(n)), void u(!1, (function() { x(), y(t, i, "files from localStorage") })) } _c.menu_enabled && E.menu_loading(!1, !0), R.topbar.classList.add("topbar-spinner"); var o = 0, l = !(!a || !a.json_cache) && a.json_cache; u(!1, (function() { x(), p() })), e = q({ params: !l && "action=files&dir=" + encodeURIComponent(t), url: l, json_response: !0, complete: function(a, n, o) { if (e = !1, _c.menu_enabled && E.menu_loading(!1, !1), !o || !a || a.error) return k((a.error || "") + " " + t, t, i), R.topbar.classList.remove("topbar-spinner"), void j("files error", a.error || "Error"); H(t, a), S(X(t, a.mtime), n, 1e3), p() } }) } function p(e) { 1 == o++ && y(t, i, l ? "files from JSON " + l : "files from xmlhttp") } }, E.init_files = function() { if (_c.query_path) return _c.query_path_valid ? E.get_files(_c.query_path, "replace") : k("Invalid directory path <strong>" + _c.query_path + "</strong>", _c.query_path, "replace"); if (location.search) { var e = location.search.split("&")[0].replace("?", ""); if (e && "debug" !== e && (-1 === e.indexOf("=") || e.indexOf("/") > -1)) { _c.query_path = decodeURIComponent(e); var t = !(-1 !== e.indexOf("/") || !_c.dirs[""].files) && _c.dirs[""].files[_c.query_path]; return void(t || !_c.menu_enabled ? (t && H(_c.query_path, t), E.get_files(_c.query_path, "replace")) : E.menu_init_files(_c.query_path)) } } E.get_files(_c.init_path, "replace") }; var L = !1; E.menu_init_files = function(e) { if (e) { if (_c.dir_paths) return E.get_files(e, "replace"); L = e } else L && E.get_files(L, "replace") }, s(R.topbar_info, (function(e, t) { "reset" === e && (R.filter.value = null, h()) })), b(R.list_ul, (function(e) { if ("UL" !== e.target.nodeName && ("A" !== e.target.nodeName || e.target.classList.contains("img-wrapper"))) { var t = e.target.closest("li"), i = _c.files[t.dataset.name]; if (i) { if (e.target.classList.contains("context-button")) return E.create_contextmenu(e, i, e.target, "files"); var a = "dir" === i.filetype; if (N.contextmenu.is_open && ("menu" !== _c.click || a)) return e.preventDefault(); _(e, t.firstChild, !a && ["download", "window"].includes(_c.click)) || (a ? (H(i.path, i), E.get_files(i.path, "push")) : "menu" === _c.click ? E.create_contextmenu(e, i, t, "files") : "popup" === _c.click && i.is_browser_image && i.is_readable ? E.open_popup(i.path) : E.open_modal(i, !0)) } } })) }(), function() { function e(e, t) { Object.assign(N.layout, { layout: e, index: N.layout.keys.indexOf(e), subindex: t, current: N.layout.layouts[e], classes: N.layout.layouts[e][t] }) } function t() { var e = ["blocks", "grid"].includes(N.layout.layout) || "list-list-big" === N.layout.classes; R.list_ul.className = "list " + N.layout.classes + (!_c.image_cover && e ? " img-contain" : ""), l.style.display = e ? "block" : "none" } N.layout = { layouts: { list: ["list-list", "list-list-big"], blocks: ["list-blocks"], grid: ["list-grid list-large", "list-grid"], rows: ["list-rows list-large", "list-rows"], columns: ["list-columns"] } }, N.layout.keys = Object.keys(N.layout.layouts), e(N.layout.keys.includes(_c.layout) ? _c.layout : "grid", N.ls_options.layout_subindex || 0); var i = _id("change-layout"); i.innerHTML = '<button type="button" class="btn-icon btn-topbar">' + E.get_svg("layout_" + N.layout.layout) + '</button><div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"><h6 class="dropdown-header">' + G("布局") + "</h6>" + M(N.layout.keys, (function(e) { return '<button class="dropdown-item' + (e === N.layout.layout ? " active" + (N.layout.subindex ? " subindex" + N.layout.subindex : "") : "") + '" data-action="' + e + '">' + (N.layout.layouts[e].length > 1 ? E.get_svg_multi("layout_large", "layout_small") : "") + E.get_svg("layout_" + e) + G(e) + "</button>" })) + '<div class="form-check form-switch cover-toggle">\t <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="covertoggle"' + (_c.image_cover ? " checked" : "") + '>\t <label class="form-check-label" for="covertoggle">' + G("覆盖") + "</label>\t</div></div>"; var a = i.firstChild, n = i.lastChild, o = _class("dropdown-item", n), l = n.lastChild, p = l.children[0]; function c(i) { N.layout.layout !== i ? (o[N.layout.index].className = "dropdown-item", e(i, 0), t(), a.innerHTML = E.get_svg("layout_" + N.layout.layout), o[N.layout.index].className = "dropdown-item active", R.sortbar.className = "sortbar-" + N.layout.layout, E.set_option("layout", N.layout.layout), E.ls_option("layout_subindex", 0)) : N.layout.current.length < 2 || (N.layout.subindex = N.layout.classes === N.layout.current[0] ? 1 : 0, N.layout.classes = N.layout.current[N.layout.subindex], o[N.layout.index].className = "dropdown-item active subindex" + N.layout.subindex, t(), R.sortbar.className = "sortbar-" + N.layout.layout + ("list" === N.layout.layout && N.layout.subindex ? "-big" : ""), E.ls_option("layout_subindex", N.layout.subindex)) } function r() { E.set_option("image_cover", !!p.checked), R.list_ul.classList.toggle("img-contain", !p.checked) } t(), b(p, r, "change"), b(l, (function(e) { e.target.classList.contains("cover-toggle") && (p.checked = !p.checked, r()) }), "click"), s(n, c), E.dropdown(i, a, (function() { var e = N.layout.index + (N.layout.current.length < 2 || N.layout.subindex > 0 ? 1 : 0); c(N.layout.keys[e >= N.layout.keys.length ? 0 : e]) })), W.is_touch && b(document, (function() {}), "touchstart") }(); var Y = _c.menu_enabled ? 2 : 1; function J() { if (Y--) return !Y && setTimeout(J, 1e3); var e, t, i = O("ZmlsZXM6cXJ4"), a = O("ZmlsZXM6cHVyY2hhc2Vk"), n = location.hostname, o = S(i); if (!o || o != _c.qrx && O(o) != n) return _c.qrx || !n || n.includes(".") ? !_c.qrx || "string" == typeof _c.qrx && /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/.test(_c.qrx) ? (e = _c.qrx ? "key=" + _c.qrx + "&" : "", t = function(e) { if (!e.status) return p(_c.qrx); S(i, _c.qrx || btoa(n)) }, void q({ complete: function(e, i, a) { a && e && e.hasOwnProperty("status") && t(e) } })) : p(!0) : p(); function p(e) { if (e && (_c.qrx = !1), S(a)) return l(e); E.load_plugin("cGF5cGFs", (function(t) { }), { error: function() { l(e) } }) } } window.onpopstate = function(e) { _c.history && e.state && e.state.hasOwnProperty("path") && E.get_files(e.state.path) }; var Q = { 123: "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3", ez: "application/andrew-inset", aw: "application/applixware", atom: "application/atom+xml", atomcat: "application/atomcat+xml", atomdeleted: "application/atomdeleted+xml", atomsvc: "application/atomsvc+xml", dwd: "application/atsc-dwd+xml", held: "application/atsc-held+xml", rsat: "application/atsc-rsat+xml", bdoc: "application/x-bdoc", xcs: "application/calendar+xml", ccxml: "application/ccxml+xml", cdfx: "application/cdfx+xml", cdmia: "application/cdmi-capability", cdmic: 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"dir" : "file" }), "dir" !== o.filetype && o.is_readable) if (o.is_browser_image) { N.modal.type = "image", o.image && o.image.width > 800 && o.image.width > o.image.height && document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 1600 && (f = !0); var x = !(!(o.image && o.image.width && o.image.height && "ico" != o.is_browser_image) || !_c.server_exif && W.image_orientation || !W.image_orientation && I(o.image)) && o.image.height / Math.max(o.image.width, 500) * 100; s = (x ? '<div style="padding-bottom:' + x + '%">' : "") + '<img data-action="zoom" src="' + n(o) + '" class="modal-image modal-image-' + o.is_browser_image + (x ? " modal-image-intrinsic" : "") + '"></img>' + (x ? "</div>" : "") } else F("video", o.mime) ? (N.modal.type = "video", s = '<video src="' + n(o) + '" type="' + o.mime + '" class="modal-video" controls playsinline disablepictureinpicture controlslist="nodownload"></video>') : F("audio", o.mime) ? (N.modal.type = "audio", s = E.get_file_icon(o, "modal-file-icon") + '<audio src="' + n(o) + '" type="' + o.mime + '" class="modal-audio" controls playsinline controlslist="nodownload"></audio>') : (N.modal.code = function(e) { if (e && !(e.filesize > _c.code_max_load)) { if (e.ext && "htaccess" === e.ext) return CodeMirror.findModeByName("nginx"); var t = !!e.mime && CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(e.mime); return t && "null" !== t.mode || !e.ext || (t = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(e.ext) || t), t } }(o), N.modal.code && (N.modal.type = "code", o.filesize > 1e3 && (f = !0), E.load_plugin("codemirror"), s = '<div class="spinner-border modal-preview-spinner"></div>' + E.get_file_icon(o, "modal-file-icon"))); s || (s = E.get_file_icon(o, "modal-file-icon")); var h, _, w, y, L, A, S = ["image", "file"].includes(N.modal.type) || "dir" === N.modal.type && o.url_path ? "a" : "div", O = "<" + ("a" === S ? 'a href="' + n(o) + '" target="_blank" title="' + G("image" === N.modal.type ? "zoom" : "open in new tab") + '"' : "div") + ' class="modal-preview modal-preview-' + N.modal.type + '">' + s + "</" + S + '><div class="modal-info">' + d(!0, "modal-info-context") + g(i(o.basename), "div", "modal-info-name") + '<div class="modal-info-meta">' + (o.mime ? g(E.get_svg_file_icon(o) + o.mime, "div", "modal-info-mime") : "") + c(o.image, "div", "modal-info-dimensions") + r(o, "div", "modal-info-filesize") + (_ = "div", w = "modal-info-permissions", y = (h = o).is_readable && h.is_writeable, L = G("文件权限") + ": " + h.fileperms, A = g(E.get_svg(y ? "lock_open_outline" : "lock_outline") + h.fileperms, "span", y ? "is-readwrite" : "not-readwrite", L), g(A, _, w) + "</div>") + g(E.get_svg("date") + E.get_time(o, "llll", !1, !0), "div", "modal-info-date") + v(o.image, "div", "modal-info-exif", !0) + m(o.image, "modal-info", !0) + "</div>"; a.classList.toggle("modal-lg", f), u.classList.add("modal-content-" + N.modal.type), b.innerText = o.basename, V.innerHTML = O, _c.history && (l && history.pushState(null, o.basename, "#" + encodeURIComponent(o.basename)), N.modal.popstate = H(window, "popstate", C)), function(e) { N.modal.open = Math.random(), T("esc", C, "keyup"); var t = document.body.clientWidth; z(!0), document.body.clientWidth > t && (document.body.style.paddingRight = document.body.clientWidth - t + "px"); j(R.modal_bg, [0, .8]), j(u, [0, 1], [.98, 1], e) }((function() { if (N.modal.code) { var i = N.modal.open; t.file = q({ params: "action=file&file=" + encodeURIComponent(o.path), complete: function(a) { t.file = !1, E.load_plugin("codemirror", (function() { if (N.modal.open === i) { p(_class("modal-preview-spinner", V)); var t = _class("modal-preview-code", V)[0]; t && (p(_class("modal-file-icon", V)), N.modal.code_mirror = CodeMirror(t, { value: a, lineWrapping: !0, lineNumbers: !0, readOnly: !e, mode: N.modal.code.mode, viewportMargin: 1 / 0, extraKeys: Object.assign({ F11: B, Esc: B }, e ? { "Ctrl-S": P, "Cmd-S": P } : {}) }), CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(N.modal.code_mirror, N.modal.code.mode), N.modal.resize_listener = H(window, "resize", M), k.style.display = "") } })) } }) } })) }; var Z = w((function(e) { var t = N.modal.code_mirror.getValue(), i = t && x(t); O(e.target, "btn-1", i ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger", G(i ? "code copied" : "failed to copy code"), !0, 2e3) }), 2e3); function P(e) { if (!L.disabled) { if (!N.modal.file.is_writeable) return O(L, "btn-1", "btn-danger", G("file is not writeable"), !0, 2e3); e && L.classList.add("show-tooltip"), A(L, null, null, G("saving..."), !0), q({ params: "action=file&file=" + N.modal.file.path + "&write=" + N.modal.code_mirror.getValue(), json_response: !0, complete: function(e) { O(L, "btn-1", e.success ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger", G(e.success ? "saved" : "failed to save"), !0, 2e3), e.success && S(X(), !0) } }) } } function B() { R.modal.classList.toggle("modal-code-fullscreen"), M() } s(R.modal, (function(e, t) { if ("context" === e) E.create_contextmenu(t, N.modal.file, t.target, "modal"); else if ("close" === e) C(t); else if ("zoom" === e) { if (N.contextmenu.is_open) return t.preventDefault(); if (_(t, t.target.closest(".modal-preview"))) return; N.modal.popstate.remove(), E.open_popup(N.modal.file.path) } else "clipboard" === e ? h(t.target, o(N.modal.file.path) ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger", !0) : "copy" === e ? Z(t) : "fullscreen" === e ? B() : "save" === e && P() })) }(); var K = function(e, t) { var i, a, n, o, l, p, s, c, r, d, m, u, v, f = this, g = !1, x = !0, h = { barsSize: { top: 0, bottom: 0 }, closeElClasses: ["item", "caption", "zoom-wrap", "ui", "top-bar"], timeToIdle: 3e3, timeToIdleOutside: 1e3, loadingIndicatorDelay: 1e3, closeEl: !0, captionEl: !0, zoomEl: !0, counterEl: !0, arrowEl: !0, preloaderEl: !0, tapToClose: !1, tapToToggleControls: !0, clickToCloseNonZoomable: !0, indexIndicatorSep: " / ", fitControlsWidth: 1200 }, _ = function(e) { if (m) return !0; e = e || window.event, d.timeToIdle && d.mouseUsed && !o && k(); for (var i, a, n = (e.target || e.srcElement).getAttribute("class") || "", l = 0; l < C.length; l++)(i = C[l]).onTap && n.indexOf("pswp__" + i.name) > -1 && (i.onTap(), a = !0); if (a) { e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(), m = !0; var p = t.features.isOldAndroid ? 600 : 30; setTimeout((function() { m = !1 }), p) } }, b = function(e, i, a) { t[(a ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"](e, "pswp__" + i) }, w = function() { var e = 1 === d.getNumItemsFn(); e !== r && (b(i, "ui--one-slide", e), r = e) }, y = function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < d.closeElClasses.length; i++) if (t.hasClass(e, "pswp__" + d.closeElClasses[i])) return !0 }, H = 0, k = function() { clearTimeout(v), H = 0, o && f.setIdle(!1) }, L = function(e) { var t = (e = e || window.event).relatedTarget || e.toElement; t && "HTML" !== t.nodeName || (clearTimeout(v), v = setTimeout((function() { f.setIdle(!0) }), d.timeToIdleOutside)) }, V = function(e) { s !== e && (b(p, "preloader--active", !e), s = e) }, M = function(t) { var i = t.vGap; if (!e.likelyTouchDevice || d.mouseUsed || screen.width > d.fitControlsWidth) { var a = d.barsSize; i.bottom = a.bottom, i.top = a.top } else i.top = i.bottom = 0 }, C = [{ name: "play", onTap: E.toggle_play }, { name: "contextmenu", onTap: function() {} }, { name: "fullscreen", onTap: function() { screenfull.toggle() } }, { name: "caption", option: "captionEl", onInit: function(e) { a = e } }, { name: "button--zoom", option: "zoomEl", onTap: e.toggleDesktopZoom }, { name: "counter", option: "counterEl", onInit: function(e) { n = e } }, { name: "button--close", option: "closeEl", onTap: e.close }, { name: "button--arrow--left", option: "arrowEl", onTap: function() { E.popup_transition("prev") } }, { name: "button--arrow--right", option: "arrowEl", onTap: E.popup_transition }, { name: "preloader", option: "preloaderEl", onInit: function(e) { p = e } }]; f.init = function() { var n; t.extend(e.options, h, !0), d = e.options, i = t.getChildByClass(e.scrollWrap, "pswp__ui"), (l = e.listen)("onVerticalDrag", (function(e) { x && e < .95 ? f.hideControls() : !x && e >= .95 && f.showControls() })), l("onPinchClose", (function(e) { x && e < .9 ? (f.hideControls(), n = !0) : n && !x && e > .9 && f.showControls() })), l("zoomGestureEnded", (function() { (n = !1) && !x && f.showControls() })), l("beforeChange", f.update), l("doubleTap", (function(t) { var i = e.currItem.initialZoomLevel; e.getZoomLevel() !== i ? e.zoomTo(i, t, 333) : e.zoomTo(d.getDoubleTapZoom(!1, e.currItem), t, 333) })), l("preventDragEvent", (function(e, t, i) { var a = e.target || e.srcElement; a && a.getAttribute("class") && e.type.indexOf("mouse") > -1 && (a.getAttribute("class").indexOf("__caption") > 0 || /(SMALL|STRONG|EM)/i.test(a.tagName)) && (i.prevent = !1) })), l("bindEvents", (function() { t.bind(i, "pswpTap click", _), t.bind(e.scrollWrap, "pswpTap", f.onGlobalTap), e.likelyTouchDevice || t.bind(e.scrollWrap, "mouseover", f.onMouseOver) })), l("unbindEvents", (function() { u && clearInterval(u), t.unbind(document, "mouseout", L), t.unbind(document, "mousemove", k), t.unbind(i, "pswpTap click", _), t.unbind(e.scrollWrap, "pswpTap", f.onGlobalTap), t.unbind(e.scrollWrap, "mouseover", f.onMouseOver) })), l("destroy", (function() { d.captionEl && t.removeClass(a, "pswp__caption--empty"), t.removeClass(i, "pswp__ui--over-close"), t.addClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden"), f.setIdle(!1) })), d.showAnimationDuration || t.removeClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden"), l("initialZoomIn", (function() { d.showAnimationDuration && t.removeClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden") })), l("initialZoomOut", (function() { t.addClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden") })), l("parseVerticalMargin", M), function() { var e, a, n, o = function(t) { if (t) for (var i = t.length, o = 0; o < i; o++) { e = t[o], a = e.className; for (var l = 0; l < C.length; l++) n = C[l], a.indexOf("pswp__" + n.name) > -1 && d[n.option] && n.onInit && n.onInit(e) } }; o(i.children); var l = t.getChildByClass(i, "pswp__top-bar"); l && o(l.children) }(), w(), d.timeToIdle && l("mouseUsed", (function() { t.bind(document, "mousemove", k), t.bind(document, "mouseout", L), u = setInterval((function() { 2 == ++H && f.setIdle(!0) }), d.timeToIdle / 2) })), d.preloaderEl && (V(!0), l("beforeChange", (function() { clearTimeout(c), c = setTimeout((function() { e.currItem && e.currItem.loading ? (!e.allowProgressiveImg() || e.currItem.img && !e.currItem.img.naturalWidth) && V(!1) : V(!0) }), d.loadingIndicatorDelay) })), l("imageLoadComplete", (function(t, i) { e.currItem === i && V(!0) }))) }, f.setIdle = function(e) { o = e, b(i, "ui--idle", e) }, f.update = function() { x && e.currItem ? (f.updateIndexIndicator(), d.captionEl && (d.addCaptionHTMLFn(e.currItem, a), b(a, "caption--empty", !e.currItem.title)), g = !0) : g = !1, w() }, f.updateIndexIndicator = function() { d.counterEl && (n.textContent = e.getCurrentIndex() + 1 + d.indexIndicatorSep + d.getNumItemsFn()) }, f.onGlobalTap = function(i) { var a = (i = i || window.event).target || i.srcElement; if (!m) if (i.detail && "mouse" === i.detail.pointerType) { if (y(a)) return void e.close(); t.hasClass(a, "pswp__img") && (1 === e.getZoomLevel() && e.getZoomLevel() <= e.currItem.fitRatio ? d.clickToCloseNonZoomable && e.close() : e.toggleDesktopZoom(i.detail.releasePoint)) } else if (d.tapToToggleControls && (x ? f.hideControls() : f.showControls()), d.tapToClose && (t.hasClass(a, "pswp__img") || y(a))) return void e.close() }, f.onMouseOver = function(e) { var t = (e = e || window.event).target || e.srcElement; b(i, "ui--over-close", y(t)) }, f.hideControls = function() { t.addClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden"), x = !1 }, f.showControls = function() { x = !0, g || f.update(), t.removeClass(i, "pswp__ui--hidden") } }; function $() { yall({ observeChanges: !0, observeRootSelector: "#list-ul", threshold: 300, events: { load: function(e) { e.target.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add("img-loaded"), e.target.parentNode.classList.remove("img-bg") } } }), document.body.classList.remove("body-loading"), anime({ targets: document.body, opacity: [0, 1], duration: 500, easing: "easeOutQuad", complete: E.init_files }) }! function() { function e(e) { e || (R.pswp.style.width = window.getComputedStyle(R.pswp).width), document.body.style.width = e ? window.getComputedStyle(document.body).width : "", document.body.style.overflow = e ? "hidden" : "", N.popup.overflow_hidden = !!e } function t(e) { !N.popup.is_open || x.items.length < 2 || (T(["left", "right"], (function(e) { e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey || (e.preventDefault(), E.popup_transition(37 === e.keyCode)) }), "keyup"), T("space", E.toggle_play, "keyup")) } function a(e) { return e && e.src && !e.classList.contains("img-svg") && e.offsetParent && e.naturalWidth } function o(e) { anime.remove(V), anime({ targets: V, scaleX: e ? [0, 1] : 0, easing: e ? "easeInOutQuad" : "easeOutQuint", duration: e ? _c.popup_interval : 200 }) } function p() { N.popup.is_timing && (N.popup.is_timing = !1, clearTimeout(N.popup.timer), o()) } function u(e) { N.popup.is_playing && (isNaN(e) && (e = x.getCurrentIndex()), x.items[e].loaded && e === x.getCurrentIndex() && (o(!0), N.popup.is_timing = !0, N.popup.timer = setTimeout(E.popup_transition, _c.popup_interval))) } E.popup_transition = function(e) { x[e ? "prev" : "next"](), anime.remove(H), anime({ targets: H, translateX: [e ? -5 : 5, 0], opacity: [.5, 1], easing: "easeOutQuint", duration: 500 }) }, E.toggle_play = function() { N.popup.is_playing = !N.popup.is_playing, w.classList.toggle("is-playing", N.popup.is_playing), W.is_pointer && (w.dataset.tooltip = G(N.popup.is_playing ? "暂停" : "播放")), N.popup.is_playing || p(), N.popup.is_playing && u() }, R.pswp.innerHTML = '<div class="pswp__bg"></div>\t <div class="pswp__scroll-wrap">\t <div class="pswp__container' + (_c.server_exif ? " server-exif" : "") + '">\t <div class="pswp__item"></div>\t <div class="pswp__item"></div>\t <div class="pswp__item"></div>\t </div>\t <div class="pswp__ui pswp__ui--hidden">\t <div class="pswp__top-bar">\t <div class="pswp__counter"></div>\t <div class="pswp__search"></div>\t <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--close"' + f(G("关闭 (esc)")) + ">" + E.get_svg("close") + "</button>" + (W.fullscreen ? '<button class="pswp__button pswp__fullscreen"' + f(G("全屏窗口")) + ">" + E.get_svg_multi("expand", "collapse") + "</button>" : "") + '\t <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--zoom"' + f(G("放大")) + ">" + E.get_svg_multi("zoom_in", "zoom_out") + '</button>\t <button class="pswp__button pswp__play"' + f(G("播放")) + ">" + E.get_svg_multi("play", "pause") + "</button>" + (!W.is_pointer && W.download ? '<a class="pswp__button pswp__download" href="#"' + f(G("download")) + ' target="_blank" download>' + E.get_svg("download") + "</a>" : "") + d(W.is_pointer, "pswp__button pswp__contextmenu", !0) + '\t <div class="pswp__preloader"></div>\t </div>\t <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--left" title="' + G("上一个") + '">' + E.get_svg("arrow_left") + '</button>\t <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--right" title="' + G("下一个") + '">' + E.get_svg("arrow_right") + '</button>\t <div class="pswp__caption"><div class="pswp__caption__center"></div></div>\t </div>\t </div>\t <div class="pswp__timer"></div>', N.popup = {}, (isNaN(_c.popup_interval) || _c.popup_interval < 2e3) && (_c.popup_interval = 2e3); var x, h = _class("pswp__ui", R.pswp)[0], _ = _class("pswp__search", h)[0], b = _class("pswp__item", R.pswp), w = _class("pswp__play", h)[0], y = !W.is_pointer && _class("pswp__download", h)[0], H = _class("pswp__container", R.pswp)[0], k = _class("pswp__preloader", h)[0], L = _class("pswp__caption__center", h)[0], V = R.pswp.lastChild, M = screen.width < 375 ? "ll" : screen.width < 414 ? "lll" : "llll", C = screen.width >= 576; E.open_popup = function(o, s) { if (o && N.list.items.length) { var f = [], h = 0, w = 0; if (N.list.matchingItems.forEach((function(e) { var t = e._values; if (t.is_browser_image /*!is_browser_image(values)*/ && t.is_readable) { var i = _c.load_images && _class("img", e.elm)[0] || !1, a = !W.image_orientation && I(t.image); e = { src: n(t), w: t.image ? a ? t.image.height : t.image.width : screen.availHeight, h: t.image ? a ? t.image.width : t.image.height : screen.availHeight, pid: encodeURIComponent(t.basename), title: !0, img_el: i, item: t }; "ico" === t.ext && e.w < 128 && (e.h = Math.round(e.h / e.w * 128), e.w = 128), i && i.src && !a && (e.msrc = i.src), f.push(e), o === t.path && (w = h, a && (s = !0)), h++ } })), f.length) { N.popup.is_open = !0, W.scrollbar_width && window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth && e(!0), _.style.display = R.filter.value ? "block" : "none", _.innerHTML = R.filter.value ? E.get_svg("image_search_outline") + '"' + i(R.filter.value) + '"' : ""; var H = f[w].img_el; (x = new PhotoSwipe(R.pswp, K, f, { index: w, history: _c.history, showHideOpacity: s || !a(H), arrowKeys: !1, addCaptionHTMLFn: function(e, t) { var i = e.item; if (!i) return !1; i.image && i.image.iptc && i.image.iptc, i.image && i.image.exif && i.image.exif; if (y && (y.href = n(i, !0)), L.innerHTML = d(W.is_pointer, "popup-context") + g(i.basename, "div", "popup-basename") + c(i.image, "span", "popup-dimensions", !0) + r(i, "span", "popup-filesize", !0) + g(g(E.get_time(i, M, !1, C), "span", !1, i.DateTimeOriginal ? "DateTimeOriginal" : G("修改时间")), "span", "popup-date") + v(i.image, "div", "popup-exif", !0) + m(i.image, "popup"), 1 != getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("opacity")) return !0; var a = L.children, o = Math.round(200 / a.length); return anime({ targets: a, translateX: [2, 0], opacity: [0, 1], easing: "easeOutQuad", duration: 333, delay: anime.stagger(o) }), !0 }, getThumbBoundsFn: function(e) { if (!s) { var t = f[e], i = N.modal.open ? N.modal.file === t.item && _class("modal-image", R.modal)[0] : t.img_el; if (a(i) && t.msrc) { var n = i.getBoundingClientRect(), o = t.w / t.h, l = n.width / n.height, p = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, c = "cover" === getComputedStyle(i).objectFit ? o < l : o > l, r = c ? (i.clientWidth / o - i.clientHeight) / 2 : 0, d = c ? 0 : (i.clientHeight * o - i.clientWidth) / 2; return { x: n.left - d, y: n.top - r + p, w: n.width + 2 * d } } } } })).listen("beforeChange", p), x.listen("imageLoadComplete", u), x.listen("afterChange", u), x.listen("close", (function() { T(["left", "right"], "keyup"), T("space", "keyup"), k.classList.remove("pswp__preloader--active"), N.popup.is_playing && E.toggle_play(), N.popup.is_open = !1, N.popup.overflow_hidden && e(!1) })), x.listen("destroy", (function() { b.forEach(l) })), x.init(), f.length > 1 && E.load_plugin("mousetrap", t) } } }, s(h, (function(e, t) { "context" === e && E.create_contextmenu(t, x.currItem.item, t.target, "popup") })) }(), function() { if (_c.menu_enabled) { R.sidebar = _id("sidebar"), R.sidebar_inner = _id("sidebar-inner"), R.sidebar_menu = _id("sidebar-menu"), R.sidebar_toggle = _id("sidebar-toggle"), R.sidebar_modal = _id("sidebar-bg"), R.sidebar_topbar = _id("sidebar-topbar"); var e, a, o, l, p, s, c = !1, r = !1, d = {}, m = !1, u = !!(s = S("files:menu-expanded:" + _c.location_hash)) && JSON.parse(s), v = _c.menu_show && matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)").matches; v || document.documentElement.classList.add("sidebar-closed"), E.menu_loading = function(e, t) { e || (e = r), e && _class("menu-icon-folder", e)[0].classList.toggle("menu-spinner", t) }, E.set_menu_active = function(e) { var t = r, i = !!_c.dirs[e] && _c.dirs[e].menu_li; (r = !!i && i.firstChild) != t && (t && E.menu_loading(t, !1), w(t, !1), w(r, !0)) }, R.sidebar_toggle.innerHTML = E.get_svg_multi("menu", "menu_back"), b(R.sidebar_toggle, C, "click"), b(R.sidebar_modal, C, "click"); var f = S("files:menu:" + _c.menu_cache_hash), g = !!f && JSON.parse(f), x = _c.menu_cache_validate || _c.cache && !_c.menu_cache_file; !(!f || x && ! function() { for (var e = g.length, t = 0; t < e; t++) if (g[t].path.includes("/")) return !1; return !0 }()) ? T(g, "menu from localstorage [" + (_c.menu_cache_validate ? "shallow menu" : "menu cache validation disabled") + "]"): (R.sidebar_menu.classList.add("sidebar-spinner"), R.sidebar_menu.dataset.title = G("loading") + " …", q({ params: !_c.menu_cache_file && "action=dirs" + (_c.cache ? "&menu_cache_hash=" + _c.menu_cache_hash : "") + (f ? "&localstorage=1" : ""), url: _c.menu_cache_file, json_response: !0, complete: function(e, t, i) { if (R.sidebar_menu.classList.remove("sidebar-spinner"), delete R.sidebar_menu.dataset.title, !i || !e || e.error || !Object.keys(e).length) return J(), void j("Error or no dirs!"); e.localstorage ? T(g, "menu from localstorage") : (T(e, "menu from " + (_c.menu_cache_file ? "JSON cache: " + _c.menu_cache_file : "xmlhttp")), W.local_storage && setTimeout((function() { E.clean_localstorage(), S("files:menu:" + _c.menu_cache_hash, t) }), 1e3)) } })), _c.prevent_right_click || b(R.sidebar_menu, (function(e) { E.create_contextmenu(e, !1, !1, "sidebar") }), "contextmenu") } function w(e, t) { if (e) { e.classList.toggle("menu-active", t); for (var i = e.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; i.classList.contains("menu-li");) i.classList.toggle("menu-active-ancestor", t), i = i.parentNode.parentNode } } function H(t, i) { if ("all" === t) i ? V(o, (function(e) { d[e.dataset.path] = !0 })) : d = {}; else { var a = t.dataset.path; i ? d[a] = !0 : d[a] && delete d[a] } var n = Object.keys(d).length, l = n === o.length; m !== l && (m = l, e.classList.toggle("is-expanded", m)), W.local_storage && (c && clearTimeout(c), c = setTimeout((function() { S("files:menu-expanded:" + _c.location_hash, !n || JSON.stringify(d)) }), 1e3)) } function M(e, t, i) { var a = e.lastChild; a.style.display = "block", anime.remove(a); var n = { targets: a, translateY: t ? [-5, 0] : -5, height: [a.clientHeight + "px", t ? a.scrollHeight + "px" : 0], opacity: t ? 1 : 0, easing: "easeOutQuint", duration: 250, complete: function() { a.style.cssText = null, i && i() } }; anime(n), e.classList.toggle("is-open", t) } function C(e) { E.set_option("menu_show", !_c.menu_show), document.documentElement.classList.toggle("sidebar-closed"), v = !v } function z(e, t) { for (var i = "", a = 0; a < t; a++) i += e; return i } function A(e, a) { var o = "menu-li", l = e.path ? (e.path.match(/\//g) || []).length + 1 : 0, p = "folder" + (e.is_readable ? e.is_link ? "_link" : "" : "_forbid"); return a ? (o += " has-ul", u && u[e.path] && (o += " is-open", d[e.path] = !0)) : e.is_readable || (o += " li-forbidden"), '<li data-level="' + l + '" data-path="' + t(e.path) + '" class="' + o + '"><a href="' + n(e) + '" class="menu-a menu-a-' + l + '">' + (a ? '<span class="menu-icon-toggle">' + E.get_svg_multi("plus", "minus") + "</span>" : "") + '<span class="menu-icon-folder' + (a ? " menu-icon-folder-toggle" : "") + '">' + (a ? E.get_svg_multi(p, "folder_plus", "folder_minus") : E.get_svg(p)) + "</span>" + i(e.basename) + "</a>" } function T(t, i) { var n, s, c, u, f, g, x, w, T; if (J(), j(i, t), _c.dir_paths = [], V(t, (function(e) { _c.dir_paths.push(e.path), _c.dirs[e.path] || (_c.dirs[e.path] = e) })), E.menu_init_files(), n = "", s = 0, c = 0, u = !1, V(_c.dir_paths, (function(e, t) { if (e) { var i = (e.match(/\//g) || []).length + 1, a = i - s; s = i, c += a, u && (n += A(u, a > 0)), n += a > 0 ? '<ul class="menu-' + (u ? "ul" : "root") + '">' : "</li>" + z("</ul></li>", -a), u = _c.dirs[e] } })), n += A(u, !1) + z("</li></ul>", c), R.sidebar_menu.innerHTML = n, a = R.sidebar_menu.firstChild, o = _class("has-ul", a), l = o.length ? L(Array.from(a.children), "has-ul", !0) : [], f = l, p = o.filter((function(e) { return !f.includes(e) })), V(_class("menu-li", a), (function(e) { var t = _c.dirs[e.dataset.path]; t && (t.menu_li = e) })), E.set_menu_active(_c.current_path || _c.init_path), N.ls_options.menu_scroll && (R.sidebar_menu.scrollTop = N.ls_options.menu_scroll), W.local_storage && b(R.sidebar_menu, y((function() { E.ls_option("menu_scroll", R.sidebar_menu.scrollTop) }), 1e3), "scroll"), o.length && (g = !1, m = Object.keys(d).length === o.length, R.sidebar_topbar.innerHTML = '<button id="menu-toggle" type="button" class="btn-icon' + (m ? " is-expanded" : "") + '">' + E.get_svg_multi("plus", "minus") + "</button>", b(e = R.sidebar_topbar.lastChild, (function(e) { if (m) { var t = [], i = [], a = !1, n = window.innerHeight; V(l, (function(e) { if (e.classList.contains("is-open")) if (a) t.push(e); else { var o = e.getBoundingClientRect(); o.top > n || o.bottom - o.top > 2 * n ? (t.push(e), a = !0) : i.push(e) } })), t.length && V(t, (function(e) { e.classList.remove("is-open") })), i.length && V(i, (function(e) { M(e, !1) })), g && clearTimeout(g), g = setTimeout((function() { k(p, "is-open", !1) }), i.length ? 260 : 10) } else o.length > 100 ? k(o, "is-open", !0) : (t = [], i = [], a = !1, n = window.innerHeight, V(o, (function(e) { e.classList.contains("is-open") || (a || !e.offsetParent ? t.push(e) : e.getBoundingClientRect().top > n || e.lastChild.childNodes.length > 50 ? (a = !0, t.push(e)) : i.push(e)) })), t.length && V(t, (function(e) { e.classList.add("is-open") })), i.length && V(i, (function(e) { M(e, !0) }))); H("all", !m) }), "click")), _c.breadcrumbs && E.async_breadcrumb_links(), _c.transitions && v) { var S = { targets: function() { for (var e = [], t = a.children, i = t.length, n = R.sidebar_inner.clientHeight, o = 0; o < i; o++) { var l = t[o]; if (l.getBoundingClientRect().top < n) e.push(l); else if (e.length) break } return e }(), translateY: [-5, 0], opacity: [0, 1], easing: "easeOutCubic", duration: 100 }; S.delay = anime.stagger((x = Math.round(200 / S.targets.length), w = 50, T = 20, Math.min(Math.max(x, T), w))), anime(S) } b(a, (function(e) { if (N.contextmenu.is_open) return e.preventDefault(); if (e.target !== a) { var t = "A" === e.target.nodeName, i = t ? e.target.parentNode : e.target.closest("li"), n = t ? e.target : i.firstChild; if (!_(e, n)) if (t && n !== r) E.get_files(i.dataset.path, "push"), matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)").matches ? _c.menu_show || h(R.sidebar, "sidebar-clicked", null, 1e3) : C(); else if (!t || i.classList.contains("has-ul")) { var o = !i.classList.contains("is-open"); H(i, o), M(i, o) } } })) } }(), function() { function e(e, t) { N.sort.keys.includes(e) || (e = "name"), ["asc", "desc"].includes(t) || (t = N.sort.sorting[e].sort), Object.assign(N.sort, { sort: e, order: t, multi: "asc" === t ? 1 : -1, index: N.sort.keys.indexOf(e), prop: N.sort.sorting[e].prop }) } N.sort = { sorting: { name: { prop: "sort_name", lang: G("名称"), order: "asc" }, kind: { prop: "ext", lang: G("种类"), order: "asc" }, filesize: { prop: "filesize", lang: G("大小"), order: "desc" }, date: { prop: "mtime", lang: G("日期"), order: "desc" } } }, N.sort.keys = Object.keys(N.sort.sorting); var t = (_c.sort || "name_asc").split("_"); e(t[0], t[1]); var i = _id("change-sort"); i.innerHTML = '<button type="button" class="btn-icon btn-topbar">' + E.get_svg("sort_" + N.sort.sort) + '</button><div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"><h6 class="dropdown-header">' + G("分类") + "</h6>" + M(N.sort.keys, (function(e) { return '<button class="dropdown-item' + (e === N.sort.sort ? " active sort-" + N.sort.order : "") + '" data-action="' + e + '">' + E.get_svg("sort_" + e) + N.sort.sorting[e].lang + E.get_svg_multi("menu_down", "menu_up") + "</button>" })) + "</div>"; var a = i.firstChild, n = (i.children[1], i.lastChild), o = _class("dropdown-item", n); function l(e, t) { var i = "dir" === e._values.filetype, a = "dir" === t._values.filetype; return i ? a ? p(e, t) : -1 * N.sort.multi : a ? 1 * N.sort.multi : p(e, t) } function p(e, t) { return e._values[N.sort.prop] === t._values[N.sort.prop] ? e._values.sort_name < t._values.sort_name ? -1 : 1 : e._values[N.sort.prop] < t._values[N.sort.prop] ? -1 : 1 } function c(e, t, i) { var a = i ? "add" : "remove"; e && (o[N.sort.index].classList[a]("active"), r[N.sort.index].classList[a]("sortbar-active")), (e || t) && (o[N.sort.index].classList[a]("sort-" + N.sort.order), r[N.sort.index].classList[a]("sort-" + N.sort.order)) } E.set_sort = function(t) { if (t) { var i = t !== N.sort.sort, n = i ? N.sort.sorting[t].order : "asc" === N.sort.order ? "desc" : "asc", o = n !== N.sort.order; c(i, o, !1), e(t, n), i && (a.innerHTML = E.get_svg("sort_" + t)), c(i, o, !0), E.set_option("sort", N.sort.sort + "_" + N.sort.order) } N.list.sort(N.sort.prop, { order: N.sort.order, sortFunction: _c.sort_dirs_first ? l : p }) }, E.dropdown(i, a, (function() { E.set_sort(N.sort.keys[N.sort.index >= N.sort.keys.length - 1 ? 0 : N.sort.index + 1]) })), s(n, E.set_sort), R.sortbar = _id("files-sortbar"), R.sortbar.className = "sortbar-" + _c.layout + ("list" === _c.layout && N.ls_options.layout_subindex ? "-big" : ""), R.sortbar.innerHTML = '<div class="sortbar-inner">' + M(N.sort.keys, (function(e) { return '<div class="sortbar-item sortbar-' + e + (e === N.sort.sort ? " sortbar-active sort-" + N.sort.order : "") + '" data-action="' + e + '">' + N.sort.sorting[e].lang + E.get_svg_multi("menu_down", "menu_up") + "</div>" })) + "</div>"; var r = R.sortbar.firstChild.children; s(R.sortbar, E.set_sort) }(), document.addEventListener("mouseover", (function(e) { if (e.target.dataset.tooltip) { var t = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(), i = e.target.className ? C(e.target.className.split(" "), (function(e) { if (!e.startsWith("tooltip-")) return e })) : []; i.push("tooltip-" + (t.top > 100 ? "top" : "bottom")), t.left < 100 ? i.push("tooltip-right") : t.right > document.documentElement.clientWidth - 100 && i.push("tooltip-left"); var a = i.join(" "); e.target.className != a && (e.target.className = a) } })), function() { var e; if (N.topbar = { info: {} }, R.filter.placeholder = G("搜索"), R.filter.title = (e = "F", G("搜索") + " [" + (W.is_mac ? "⌘" : "ctrl-") + e + "]"), _c.has_login) { var t = _id("logout"); t.innerHTML = E.get_svg("logout"), t.dataset.tooltip = G("logout"), t.classList.add("tooltip-left", "tooltip-bottom"), b(t, (function(e) { confirm("are you sure you want to log out?") || e.preventDefault() })) } var i = _id("topbar-fullscreen"); screenfull.isEnabled ? (i.innerHTML = E.get_svg_multi("expand", "collapse"), i.dataset.tooltip = G("全屏窗口"), i.classList.add("tooltip-left", "tooltip-bottom"), i.addEventListener("click", (function() { screenfull.toggle() })), screenfull.on("change", (function() { document.documentElement.classList.toggle("is-fullscreen", screenfull.isFullscreen) }))) : i.style.display = "none", E.topbar_info = function(e, t) { e ? (R.topbar_info.className = "info-" + t, R.topbar_info.innerHTML = e, N.topbar.info.type = t) : function(e) { for (; e.classList.length;) e.classList.remove(e.classList[0]) }(R.topbar_info) }, E.topbar_info_search = function(e, t) { if (R.filter.classList.toggle("nomatches", !t), !e) return E.topbar_info(); R.topbar_info.classList.toggle("nomatches", !t), "search" === N.topbar.info.type ? (R.topbar_info.classList.contains("info-search") || R.topbar_info.classList.add("info-search"), _class("info-search-count", R.topbar_info)[0].innerText = t, _class("info-search-phrase", R.topbar_info)[0].innerText = e) : E.topbar_info('<span class="info-search-count">' + t + "</span>" + G("找到符合的") + '<span class="info-search-phrase">' + e + '</span><button class="info-search-reset" title="' + G("remove search") + '" data-action="reset">' + E.get_svg("close") + "</button>", "search") } }(), "IntersectionObserver" in window && "IntersectionObserverEntry" in window && "intersectionRatio" in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype ? $() : E.load_plugin("intersection-observer", $, { src: ["intersection-observer@0.7.0/intersection-observer.min.js"] }) }("undefined" == typeof files ? files = {} : files);
演示站: http://d.nat.ee